Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

ITomft'i Pages Society DAYTON DAILY NEWS City Suburban News Page "If elllntoi inrd I'ropl Keoif Th Dayton Ihtih Vein' TAGE 23 im fON, OHIO, RSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1M' THIRD SKCTION Hold In New Auto 5 Sales Tax Fraud WE. i flMBfrtw JM DETROlf, Deo. 20. MP) Five persons wore lielrl.

four others were sought and tip to Lr were believed implicated today in what slate officials described as a 2,000,000 sales ta fraud on new cms. NLRB Hearing On Union Row Is Tomorrow Hull N.x. Nnrru 1411 litilsio S. II.

4 WASHINGTON, Dec. Dismissal of suit against the National l.abm Relation! Board here today cleared Ihe way for the start of a vital NLRB hearing in Dayton tomorrow morning. Federal Judge Charles McLaughlin dismissed the injunction suit brought by the United Electrical Workers after a statement by David K. attorney. Scribner said Robert Uenhaia, general sel lor NLRB, had modified a controversial rilling "Rent-A-Car" These were other developments: Secrete rj of state Fred M.

Alger stepped into the investigation. State police said they had "definite Information" thai a "John M.itlson." sought ss mie of th Agencv Beiiiir kr figures lu the case, Ictuall was Robert K. Harper of Highland t1 Probed Here Park, one of the toe IHHMI arrest. Capt. Edward Cooper, leading the stale police Inquiry, said Matt-eon'! name figured prominently in dealer records listing car purchases by the dummy "Man of War Corp." Dummj Coopei said, were sel up in Indiana, hen tucky, Tennessee.

Texas and Miclu gan as pait of the scheme. BY I Pit ED Det'fy Slttfj Writer The activities of a "rent-a-car" agency which had purchased HT7 new tars and trucks in Dayion since June 17 has been under in vestigation for several months MRS. EDWARD KENNEDY, 1365 Florei Is het mich Verj Re Fr Her- licri Kramer (center), moderator general of llie Society of Ihe Precious Blood, on his arrival in Dayton Tuesday from Rome, With them is Rev, Fr, Clems Folta, secretary to Wry Kev. S. W.

Oberhauaee, Dayton, the aociely'i provincial. I Cooper said these corporation! UMt, then would repiesent tnemseives TWELVE YEAR OLD Joy Fourman wants to a eon-cert pianist in time. Bui this Christmas lirr wishes hip centered on a plastic eve thai will in the word of Iht Christmas letter enable her to "look like other little Pretly GirVs Christmas ish-W ill She Get It? The group weie buying the new cars under Ihe names of I'nited lO Del i. Ht dealers as car fleet op large blocks of eratora and buy autos or trucks. Head Of Religious Order In Dayton Rent-a-Car atonal Kent a-Car and more recently under the name of Standard Kent-a-Car Co.

This laller group was incorporated in Detroit about a month ago. The local state sales tax office TH I I II. KS, he said, would be tisnsfe i red to indicate the cars left the slate, when actually the cars remained right In Detroit. thi mmv it whs evnluiued. no For Visit Says Italy "All Right' have had the of state sales lax would be required "'ported to are expected uair, nraaumably made to bu I ions of pilgrims ficials of the rem a car companies in for several conferences and the Most of them will outaide the slate, no dealei miring tile vest come from the said.

ulled Stales, he would be obtained and rent acar om.ials reportedly onlv small fiembt charges would showed sufficient evidence In the tax people to escape three per cent sales paid. This would give Ihe op- "'aie saies tha si heme A eomMtitiva paving the FATBKR Kli MI It i th of Mr. and William Ktauiei on Hie way the lell wing-rigm wing jurisdictional hearings would be conducted. Scribner said in court here to-; day that the ruling had been changed to allow NI.KB regional officers and hearing examiner! to take evidence on the U. K.

contention that it holds contract! in the electrical industry. The U. extends the existence of these contracts should bar any new collective bargaining elections. PREVIOUSLY, Denham bad ruled such evidence could not be submitted. This inspired the U.

K. injunction suit. Scribner told the court that the modified ruling "seems to assure us of a true and impartial bearing, and that is all we want." Informed of ihe court decision, John Penello, regional director of the NI.KB at Baltimore, im-medialelv rescheduled the Dayton hearing for 11 a. m. tomorrow at Ihe Montgomery county court house.

Originally, the hearing was to have started yesterday, but the court action here forced the two-day delay. The hearing concern! union affiliation of some 26,000 workers at five General Motors Corp. plants. Dayton was chosen as site for the hearing because some 20,000 of the workers affected are employed at the Frigidaire and Delco Products division plants of IM there. The fact-finding session was scheduled after the new International Union of Electrical Work ers-CIO claimed to represent a majority of the workers in the five (iM plants.

advantage in retailing the cars. Capt. Coopei estimated this advan tage at $100 to $Wt0 on each sale Police identified the five held Without charge as Ceorge Parker and his wife. Either, of Detroit; Kdward Csil. Detroit: Kenneth of St.

Henry. He was ordained in Mav. 1933, Before lieoig named moderator general, he was mission director, being succeeded in that post by Rev. Fr. Norbert Sweeterman, who now is stationed evcellenl job and that Premier De Gaaparri likewise is hand ling the situation admirably.

As far as the Communist party is concerned, it is leiiig contained very well, the prelate added. He cited the fact that a recent general rail strike, fomented by the Communists, was pretty much of a flop. One of his colleagues commented that the principal effect was that the strike made it much more quiet around Itonie. GREAT PREPARATIONS are being made for the 'celebration of the Holy Year in Koine, Father Kramer said. The religious observance will "Italy is doing all' right.

Things are settling down there, although that country still depends a lot on the United Statea as a nation and on American citizens. Hut the future looks good." That was the opinion of Very Rev. Fr. Herbert Kramer, moderator general (international head I of the Society of the Precious Blood Tuesday. He arrived here from New York to confer with members of the order, which has its U.

S. headquarter! at St. Joseph's church in Dayton. Very Rev. Fr.

W. Overhauaer is the S. provincial. Principal headquarter! of the society is in Rome, where Father Kramer has been located about BY HF.RBF.RT SH VW Pnily VlWi Staff Writer The fellows from thp ct rupf store; the dry cleaning shop and thp hardware store. The attendants from the filling ststjons; thp students from th seminary down thp street.

Thpy all askod the pretty blue-eyed, blackhairpd girl what the granted for Christmas. But, like many anothpr 12-year-nld, she was a little bashful and shy. She didn't want to come nghl out and say it. "Write Ul a letler then," thpy asked. "Write us a lpttpr." So Sharon Joy Fourman wrote a letter.

Not a letter to Santa Clans; shp's just a hit too old for thai. It might havp been nddrpsspd: "To Whom It May Conrprn." HERE'S WH Joy wrote: in Dayton at U. provincial pence, of Baytown, a son of Mrs Parker bv a previous mar lax levied on the run of the-mine purchaae of new cars and trucks. THE RENT-A-CARS escspe the sales lax on the sssumplion it was reported that the cars were being shipped mil of the stale -In the "West and South." Because they are for use and resale in Other etatei, these cars escape the three per cent sales lax. The rent a car outfit first came In local altenlion on June II, hen Mbert- lladen and Frank Brady filed a notice nf partnership iih ihe MontgOM erj (MM) clerk of courts.

Both men gave their home sddress as 11536 Byron Detroit. They announced Iheir piirlnership ss Hage, and Harper. James K. Hums and his brother, J. W.

Hums also of Hsylown, were released sfter questioning yesterday. neao quarters While in Ihe 1'. Father Kra met will spend some time at St. Charles seminary, Caithagena, Mercer county, where the society has been located since IHifi, and also will visit the various operations uf the society throughout the V. S.

Father Kramer has two nieces in Dayton, Mrs. Kdward Kennedy, 1866 Florence and Mrs. William P. (iustin, 22.M Kmeraon sv. Loot plans to spend two start at midnight, Dec.

24, when country. the Pope performs the symbolic IS months. II months in th Hiding ceremony or nreaking open a door In St. Peter's cathedral. The Father hrsmer, a native of St.

Henry, Mercer county, said rite is held every 2fi years. Father Kramer added that mil- In Mattress ill In Vain Ihe Christian Democrats political parly in Italy is doing sn The Fourmam took oyer the Snack bar last September, coming to Dayton from New Carlisle where they had farmed. Four-man was once a nipmher of the Dayton police force. "We've spenl several thousand dollars on Joy's eye In dale." Fourman says. "And much as ii hurls us.

we can't take care of ibis Christmas wish. Doctor's estimate the necessary surgery for an artificial eye will run over $201111. "We'd like to see Joy get 'hat pyp, but right now we can't afford it. We don't want charity; we've always paid our way and will continue to do so. But even a loan would be out of the question now unless we could pay within our means." i JOY, a student at Falrview elementary school, understands all this financial talk.

Hut with the simple faith of a child she's confident that somehow everything will work out all right. Normally the expense of a plastic eye wouldn't he so great. But in Joy's case it was neces-gary to remove not only the eye ball hut also the entire left eye cavity. In doing so her eyelids were impaired, too. Plastic surgery will he necessary to create a hasp for the plastic eye and also to repair the eyelid.

Doctor's have told the parents that thp only placp this type of surgery ran be done is in Philadelphia. Whether or not she gets her "platic" eye, Joy is determined to get one thing a thorough music education. Her musical imprest centers in the piano she's a student at thp Prorlor school of music- and she shows promise. Proudly she recounts her progress through threp grades of piano instruction in the peat two yean and expresses her one ambition to become a "concert pianist." A thief made his own bed Monday, hut he never slept an It. Deter it Sgi.

Edward H. Schneider and Detective Al hert J. not only lore up the bed, but they made their Eric Kohlhagen Survives Nazi Prison, Becomes Dayton Cleaner, U. S. Citizen I nilcd Rent ar Co.

and National Rent-a-Car, both eith offices si tl Main si. No. 210 N. Main st. is the Bill-more hotel.

Purchase! On June It, II, 22 and 27 were uiade in the name nf inted Kent a Car. Also on June 27, first purchase of nine cars was made National lienta-Car ind since thai time have been under the National name. In June and July, the firm bought 15(i new cars. In August, ll! new cars and trucks were 1 In September, I7fi new cars and I rin ks were hough) 'the one thing I want for Christmas is an eye so that I 1 would look likp olher little girls and I would not need Id wear a patch nvpr my eve. The tape is very uncomfortable.

"Two yean ago this Christ-mas my pyp stalled to protrude. found a malignant tumor hack of my eve. Thp expense of Ihe operations and hospital rare took most of my daddy's money and now they tell mp I have to have plalic surgery before I can have a artificial eye. "My daddy can not afford his so 1 thought I might appeal to someone to help me." (Signed) "Sharon (Joy)" Briefly, and perhaps not in I hp hpst grammatical style, Joy's letter tells hpr story. Her three months in thp hospital early in and the nppd for so many pprialists taxed thp Fourman'i budget to the limit.

"DADDY" is Melvin Knur-man. who with his wife operates th. Snack Mai at 2010 Salem av. In October, ihe figure was 92. In November, 711.

Thus far December, 65. The cars purchased included THE WAS SET up by the CIO to try to take over membership and contracts of the I'. E. after the CIO expelled U. K.

on pro-Communist charges. All five CM locals seceded from the U. E. and joined the right-wing IUE, including Locals 801 (Frigidaire) and 755 (Delco Products) in Dayton. David Sachs, chief law officer of ihe Kit's Baltimore office, ill preside al Ihe Davlon hearing.

The labor hoard al laches so much importance to the hearing thai Penello may attend per-sonslly. it wss said here. As a result of the hearing, the NLRB may either order representation election ill the five CM plants to decide the collective bargaining issue, or dismiss the II h's petition, leaving bargaining rights with Ihe I R. HY CLARKE ASH Daily Staff writer Twice a year the massive doors of Dayton's V. S.

District Court swing open to admit a new group of hopeful aliens. Some minutes later that group emerges no longer aliens, but ulled Slates citizens --after having sworn allegiance to their adopled country before District Judge Robert R. Nevin. In each group, there sre ai any human interest stones as there are new citizens. Monday afternoon, lliere were 39.

Of Ihese, perhaps F.ric RELATED STORY ON PAGE 29 Kohlhigen'i nBt standing. man do his sleeping in the cily jail. They went into sel ion when Raymond Dennis, proprietor of the South View shoe repair shop, 1928 Brown reported a 164 theft from his cash register early Tuesday. Afler little checking, the detective went to the home of an IX year-old employe who had left ihe store Monday tnghi wi'h Dennis and who had the only olher key to the shop. He al first denied the theft, then pointed to the mstlress.

The detective! slashed it open, found most of Ihe money in ihe stuffing. The youth wss hooked for grsnd larceny. Merchant Robbed Outside Of Market with Ihe help of a Jewish refugee organialion, he managed in llltli, gel to America and Davlon. Here, he met and married his wife, Kits, a former social worker. He had been a dentist ill his native Germany, but because his educational credits are not recognized in Ohio, he caniioi practice here.

So, wilh Ihe help of his falher, he opened Ihe Wayne av. shop. Kohlhagen is not complaining about his change from dentist to dry cleaner. "One thing I cannot understand about this country is Ihe way people complain," he said wilh the barest trace of an sr-cent. "They complain if goods are scarce and if price! are high, yet in this country, people scarcely know what ii to ant." had come to Dayton in 1937.

In the letter he indicated his displeasure with Germany and said he planned to migrate to America. THE SLIM, keen-faced immigrant slijl pales when he speaks of 111 days of solitary confinement in a dank, 2 by 4 cubical; of 2,000,000 fellow Jews perishing in Ihe terrifying gas of surviving without shelter 1,1 Allied air raids; of being beaten senseless by an S.S. guard's gun butt, and of being Strung up by his wrists for minor rule He was allowed to live, he said, only because he managed to survive more than five years of slave l)(bor without becoming ill enough to incapacitate himself for work. When one could no longer work, he added grimly, thai person was Hut Kohlhagen lived, and Funis, Dodges, Plymouth and Cadillacs. The Standard Kent A Car was Incorporated with only Radon In the background and maintained a telephone service nut of (las nd Electric building, according to informal 1011 given the Clerk of Court! office.

At firt, 11 wa- reported Bradv purchased the cars, paying rash for them, Later, hank drafts were used in Ihe purchase. Brady is reported to have carried considerable sums of cash upon his person. In September, a Dayion flatly News reporter visited a lot ada-cent to a service station at Ihe intersection of Route 40 and Pelera pike where the new ears purchased In Dayton were stored. Whenever a quantity had hern Good fellows Can Insure Happiness Future Now Looks Brighter For Linda a friend, $1 Herman Jfi; Linda, a precocious blue-eyed the drive to raie money to place West Milton, $10 IvInnH will nrnhuhlv mil thp vou tip's! t-ra in fos-. Buchanan, Kohlhagen operates the Louis Dry Cleaning shop at 1838 Wayne av.

Five years ago, when he was hanging by his aims in the infamous Auschwitz, concentration ramp, the fan (jest thing from his mind was the thought that some day he would operate drv cleaning store in Dayton. 0., USA. This 41-year-old former Ger man-Jew, now American, spenl 77 months in various German prisons for a charge of which hi was never informed. Later he presumed it must have heeti because of a teller he had written to his parents who Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Immerman, heln of the Ooodfpllovv cluh verv ter homes or. as in the case of A bandit pair who wailed until their merchant victim left his store wilh Ihe day's receipts, then robbed hint of $400, were being sought Tuesday. Jack Shleier, 21 Harvard was held up si gun point in front of Pappy'l maiket, I2l)fi Ccrman town st shortly before 8 p. m. Monday.

The gunmen, he told Detective Sirt. Janus H. Hozan and Detec- murh longer. Linda, to keep them in good homes 3220 Far Hills $5. This could not have been hoped until the parents can take over I hyllis 1 nice, leiiow amassed, the new cars and trucks were hauled away on trailers.

The operator of the servlrt station said the trailers were hauled for last year -her mother was seri- again just send or bring your con- Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ouslv ill, and it was doubtful that tribution to the Goodfellow club Rafler, New Lebanon, $10; a ihe would recover. Linda was then editor on the third floor of The friend, the Crazy Pinochle wearing heavy braces because of News building at Fourth and Lud- club, Mr. and Mrs.

Ira D. congenital knee malformation. low sts. There's not much time Kinglley, 21 S. Moss J5 a Linda is 3 now.

She has been in left. The Goodfellow club editor friend. $26; Pauline Van Dyke, 7IS i r. to the "west and south." The fill- tive John II. Allen, took a winters ing station operator also stressed National batik bag containing the operation was "strictly legiti- $1511, then toned him to give up mate" and a private business, his billfold containing $260.

Investigation showed that the I foster home lor a viar. he no holies to get all the money in mis 'tmnn longer wear! the brace she not week so that the children can have in only walks unassisted now, but she the merry Christmas they deserve to leave foot. him ll oil They ordered his car, then fh National Kent A-Car maintained offices in Room 1004, First hiiildiiiu. SnriiiL'ficld. Ill Jane D.

Silver, Bartender! Uical 222, 45; Harry Clem, Wayne a friend, $25: John and Nellie Roop, 566 W. Second $10; a friend. Osteopathic auxiliarv, $10; Beta Sigma Phi, Beta Eta chapter, $27; M. H. 263 Marathon $5.

Mr. and Mis. Allen C. Poe, Cov Found Not Guilty Of Manslaughter After deliberating more than four hours, a jury Monday afternoon returned a verdict of not CONTRIBI HONS HAVE come in from: Rndgers Foundation, Rodger! Pontiac Ludlow and Franklin $60; Harry L. Jones, Fireman Stabbed runs, too.

Her mother has beest released from the hospital and is recovering nicely. In six months to a year, she'll probably be able to have Linda with her again. The Goodfellow club editor ho pea to he able to raise enough money so that Linda may stay in her good foster home until she can go back Fairfield Hruisl Ols 1 ing, Delimt, and Koom W. Probation In Forgery Wi Dwlghl Spencer, 38-year-old i i. If Fairfield druggist, pie .1 guilty 1180 I'lhl ICW M.I11 Tuesday to two yeei old Indicl im i forging twochecki Mil I I Lhiirj! ington.

110: Dorotliv hunt, Mill Forest' $2: the H. J. Osterfeld K'V for Paul N. Sharp. 27, of 417 S.

Main $10; W. fmrth charged with Bv 2 Assailants ing almost $8000, He was placed on probation for five years by to her own family. It costs $tt week for foster home Pleas Judge Charles Orvil C. Walters, 27, of Wright View Heights, wss to be arraigned here at 2 p. m.

Tuesday charged with stealing a letter containing a postal money order. Kelt, 613 hammer J2H; a friend, a goodfellow, Juanita Miller, West Alexandria, Mrs. George Weil, a friend, Walter Mahon, 111 W. Croat Miami Edgar Phillips, Harvard 11, and a friend. $2.

Mills. Probation was granted on no, Sixnccr oav hack tn the in toooev The caee which began Police Tuesday were investigate EVERY YEAR IN DECEMBER ing the mysterious stabbing of a the Goodfellow cluh, The News' city fireman shortly after midnight Christmas project, raisee money to by two unknown assailants, pay the fospr home expenses of The victim, Thurman Dodson, needy children. The children are of Howard st. was dr-nnl eligihle for adoption, but they scribed in "fair" condition at St. do nppd foster home care.

Kliz.abeth hospital. Attendants Certainly there's no better in- said he was stabbed twice in the Postal inspectors tn Dayton sum Walters took a letter from a rural mail box on R. It. Oshnm. about been delayed pending M'Conu-lieg eo liaillU)(Utci vow traffic death of (eildie Rogers.

The woman was a passenger In Sharp's car on Sept. 18 when he crashed into a parked car in front of 847 Valley st. Police testimony alleged Sharp had been drinking and was speeding. Defense Attorneys Sam and Latta McCray contended the street was slippery, visibility was poor, and the narked car wai not lighted. The case was heard before Common Pleas Judge Lester L.

Cecil. liquidation of Spencer's drug store Assistant July 15. He is expected to piesn not guilty, they said. business, according 'o FDR Jr. To Speak ProeeCtttor Hoover.

In the meantime. Spencer was Wallers was arrester! ny i.teene vestment than a good home for a cheat and once under the left arm sheriff's deputies Monday free in I25W1 bond The druggist county child. It is pretty good insurance by a long-bladed knife, One of th night. Authorities said he pre- In ooster Jan. 9 droitled fomitig the name of Max for the community- it gives the knife blows pierced his left lung THE HORRORS ol a S'ari priaon ramp still in his memory, Erie Knalhanen Monday became an American citizen.

Here he is shown at his dry eleanine shop. Motor Sales viously erveo lour armed r.hherv at Ijtirange, hy. child a chance to become a good Dodson told police he was driving I Ablon Jr of Dayton Ito the check. Th- lull, vm, Baeeaa MM eeaasrlvaale These Kurulars citizen. his car along Strand av.

about If you would like to help out in 12:05 a. m. and stopped al Wit- tenberg av. Two men approached, WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.

Rep New Won't Go Hungry Refinancing Is VH9 alley Business Romance Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. of yanked him from the driver's seat and kept stabbing him until an 1 ork will speak in Wooater, on Burglars got a good store of other car approached from the rear Jan. it was learned todav supplies in for Christmas dinner, Middletown Goes To Bal For Aeronca and threw its headlights on them. The disclosure came from an ad-Then the knife wielders fled on minietrative assistant to the ful congressman and son of the Dodson could offer Bo reason for four-term former President, the attack.

It is understood that FDR Jr. Is Severely Injured will speak at a meeting arranged bv Democratic county officials at the invitation of Rep. John Mc- Sweeney. I D-WflOSter). This will be onlv the second according to a report filed Tuesday -ith Sheriff Ben Smith's office.

Meat! and canned good" valued at 5Mi v. pre taken from the Sunshine Fruit market, 7125 W. Third operated by Joseph Schaeffr and Thomas Mantis. also included S2 in change, 40 cartons of rigarets, and a quantity of randy, sugar and coffee. The thieves left behind two burlap sacks filled with canned goods, Schaeffer said.

In Industrial Mishaj i Gov. Cox Portrait ill Be Exhibited A portrait in oil nf former Gear. James M. Cox by the celebrated artist, Douglas Oiandnr, will p'ared on exhibition at th Dayton Art Institute this wek. The painting is considered one of the port rait ist 's finest works.

The British-horn artist is prpsently at work en a portrait study of (Jeorge H. Mead. Dayton industrialist. He rcently completed a painting of Mrs. Fleanor Roosevelt, wife of the late Franklin D.

Roosevelt who also sat for him. Winston Churchill. Rernsrd Baruch and Herbert Hoover were also painted by Chandor. Th portrait of Gov. Cox was painted last spring at the artist's home in Texaa.

An elevator shaft accident sent speaking engagement in Ohio for Robert Serrer, 49, of 2425 the New Yorker. Aeronca business. A Middletown civic lesder aid ihe meeting was the finest dewonlration of civic spirit he had ever seen. "A combination of circ*mstances, not incompetent leadership, had put the company he-hind eightba thie civic leader observed. "The business and industrial leaders looked upon Aeronra's plight as a challenge to Middletown and they met it foursquare." Aeronca normally employs 450 men and women, who offered to subscribe for 150.000 of Aeronca common stock as another meaes of increasing the working capital.

more than worth of Aeronca sircraft. TH MONEY RAISED under the new plan is to he used for working capital. Meantime, the company's financial position now has changed from I deficit of to a surplus of 11,300.000 approximating the amouet the company now has on hand in unfilled orders, main-lv ror the Air Forces snd Army Ordnance In coming to the rescue of President John A. Ijiwier snd his associates, Middletnwn's 'ead-ers also pledged the S'd their field organisations, which will scout the cniintrv for additional With that assistance, Aeronca was able to float a 1200,000 loan from the Reconstruction Finance Corp. (RFC'.

In sddilion to Middlelown's harking. Ihe li kholders ip-proved a inn. 00(1 preferred lock issue, a cmpanv spokesman said. The company's preferred ereditois, who were owed snout 1 1,000 ,000, agreed to accept approximately 200,000 shares of that stock to compromise thir claims against the company. More recently, at a meting of ahoul nne-third the entire Aerorra d'Slnhntor nrgsnia-tion.

those distributor! placed 'rnr. orders and depnsite for Bl WILLIAM SANDERS ni7 Staff Writer MIDDLETOWN, Dec. 20. Refinancing of the Aeronca Aircraft Middletown. was de scribed t'iday as one of the 1940 business romances in the Miam Valley.

Hampered by lack of working capital, the company faced pos-sih'e liquidation, even though it had on hand orders totaling $1,860,000. Middletown business and industrial leader rallied to aid Aeronca. Wittvn an hour, 'hey literally brought the company out of the red hy pledging $200,000 to meet the crisis Santa To Northridge Santa Claus will come to Northridge for a brief appearance Thursday evening. From to D. m.

that dav he will pass nut to Miami alley hoepital lues-day with a head injury. Serrer. in employe of the Con-dit Construction 420 W. First was working in a shaft at NCR at 1 a. m.

when a pulley fell from above and struck his head, police reported. Th injury was said to he severe. was tsken immediately to the I iles Fur Bankruptt Samuel J. Miller of 2120 Rugby a painter, fiied a petition fnr candy and oranges tn Northridge children of 14 or less at 4100 M. Dixje dr.

The evert sponsored bankruptcy here Tuesday in L. for hv the Xnrth'dge Merchant and Dltrid Court. He bstrd debts of Businessmen's association. $395 snd aseet. of Itiei.

hospital emergency ward ra ve..

Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)


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