E-16 THE SUNDAY STAR Washington, 0. C. March 1960 FOR FAST-ACTION jHitf CLASSIFIED CALL I LI. 3-5000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (CONTINUED) BOAT BUSINESS Nearby Virginia, fine opportunity famous Brick building, fenced yard, main: required. CHAMBLISS JE 2-3857 CARD HOBBY SHOP: Hvatuville easy $6,000.
terms GIBRALTAR DI. 7-6500 CAPITOL HILL MONEY MAKER This fine 13-room brick was built as a tourUt home It has baths. Is completely furpished Incl. 7 air-conditioners, linens, etc In perfect condition readv for the lucrative touriat season just ahead. Quoted iS 12 nnu 11 SIGLER 8t REALTORS CABBY for seafood suburban Md.
loc. plenty of iJS? ent 0 Sacrifice down. Mr. Kessler. wlUi A.
R. SEEL YE. LA. fl-7656 or DI. 7-8325.
CARRYOUT SHOP No chef, no fuss, no bother; $2OO wkly net: 5Vb-day wk Eves IRVING C. ZAPOL. TU KOGOD BOOKOFF Sth St N.W. NA. 8-8373 CLOSING OUT I New and used clothlni.
shelving, showcases. miscell items. HE 4-3971 COBBS of FLORIDA OFFERS FOR THE FIRST TIMEEXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIPS For COBBC famous products Including famous Cobbs Cupboards (miniature retail shops ano Cobbs highway pre-sold by $4 million national advertising Rrogram Ute. Look, Time. Post, ewsweek.
Esquire, etc. For 25 years Cobbs of Florida has been renowned for Its Gourmet products and Florida delicacies Distributorships now ottered to ambitious men seeking financial Independence. Up to $20,000 possible first year with unlimited expansion potential. Powerful selling aids supplied, plus ttorough advertising backing This is a top earning, long-range opportunity. Initial cash investment from includes in-, ventory and supply of Cupboards For personal interview with member of executive staff Write Box 12-B.
Stir tOIN-OPEkATED sale, reasonable Call MR SMALL. RA. 6-2011, week days. 8-5 COMMERCIAL approved sites avail, to investors Interested in building a leasebacked of chain drive-in restaurants with proved success formula; tenants already secure: excel. Income opportunity.
Phone EM. 3- 1765. CONN. AVE. VICINITY Not far from Dudodi Circle 1H rooms.
7Mi guest house Belling property, furniture and business (also leases, annex, furniture and business toes with Check net profit, plus living oust ten with private bath. $7,500 down. Edwin L. Ellis, Realtor 1010 Vermont Ave. RE.
7-5140 DAIRY QUEEN Estaballshed 7 years; reasonable Box 134-B. Star. D. C. FRANCHISE National organisation largest tn its field.
has available to responsible person exclusive franchise with over 100 active accounts A repeat business. Total investment of $11,500 returned within first year. Box 70-T. DEALERS WANTED For imported prefabricated houses and cottages, superior in quality, workmanship and materials Complies with all codes. Excellent financing available Call or write FABRIA.
INC 436 North Freoerick Gaithersburg. Md. Phone WI. 8-9011 and ask for MR MERRICK DESIRE TO BUY INTEREST in loan company Mr Fulford. TU.
2-1300, JE. 4-0956. bINER. 614 Wilkes st in Alexxiv dria. Va.
Good location. Priced reaaonably. equip, in Md $100,006 annusl vol no soda fountain. Better than 000 inventory. Quick sale Reas terms, excel lease Call JOE BRENNER.
JU, DRUG STORE, over $5Oo per day. will do $750 with proper management. Box 404-U. Star CLEAN. N.W..
with plant, etc Excel, lot. Illness! Sacrifice 500 cash. DI, 7-6500. DRY CLEANING STORE AND PLANT 7708 Oa. Ave.
D. C. Ready for business; will sacrifice. No reasonable offer refused. Sun JU.
7-7593; wk. days. AP. 7-1233. kDMONSTON colonial, licensed for 3o children, gross income $20,000 Priced at excel, opportunity C.
HILLEY A CO REALTORS. AP. 7-7200. Edwin L. Ellis Offers 60 Rooms.
16 Baths 2 adjoining 14th st. nr Columbia rd n.w.—23 plus 13 bedrooms, furnished. Brick (Gross income quoted $24,000 a Licensed. Selling building, furniture and business; wants $25,000 down Owner will take balance Ist trust. Edwin L.
Ellis, Realtor $OlO Vermont Ave. RE. 7-5140 Exceptional Profits Reported From MAYTAG Coin-O-Matic UNATTENDED Laundry Stores An Ideal Investment for Individuals or Groups Requires Less Time Than Normal Investments, Yet Returns Higher Yield Investigate the unusual profit potential of MAYTAG-EQUIPPED COIN-O-MATIC laundry stores now. New MAYTAG unattended COIN-O-MATIC laundries are a proven and established businesstailored to modern American methods of living and shopping The MAYTAG commercial COIN- O-MATIC requires no experience. moderate investment and can be managed easily without interfering with other invest-; MARLEE, INC.
5557 DORSEY LANE WASH 16. D. COL 4-3528 EXCLUSIVE EXTRA INCOME Well known record company offers a part or ftrtl time business of your own. servicing leading retail stores with name records in great demand No selling, no soliciting. no music experience required as company completely establishes and trains For local confidential Interview, write: Public Relations Dept.
Discount Record Division. Box 339-U. Star, or 51 Gravesend N. road. Brooklyn 23.
N. Y. Family shoe store for excellent for individual owner, must have some cash. Box 250-A. Star For SALE established cab company; best ofler.
Box 93-T, form a CORPORATION, any State or D. raise capital; best methods 8 LEGAL CORP Est. 1903. CO 5-886 or CO. 5-0111.
BUSINESS OFFORTUNITIES FRANCHISES make profits! Operate your own franchise business Write today for free details NATIONAL FRANCHISE REPORTS-333 Michigan. Chicago 1 GAS STATION and nationally known drive-in. 15-yr. lease each $1,200 monthly income On lot 210x365. Excel.
Prince Georges loc on busy hwy RAFFELL REAL ESTATE. JU. 9-1193. i GIFT SHOP. Va.
shop, over net ideal for man or woman: 9-6 DI. 7-6500. GROCERY STOBE for sale. incl stock and fixtures. 60 Rhode bland I ave.
n.e., AD. GROCERY and SIEAT; nearby! small down payment. Call Monday. RE. 5-7603.
i 37 years Mary's Co. gross $2,000 a week. 7-dry on-and-off liquor license. 42 by 60 bldg Ist fl fully equipped super market, post office; 2nd fl. 2 bars.
1 legal slots, also incl. garage. 6-rm frame house. 2 acres of land. To settle estate $30,000.
or over $3,000 wk for 2 partners. Have subst cash. HA 2-3466. GROCERY AND Hill: quick sale: best reas. cash will be accepted.
LI. 3-9460. GROCERY. for rent. All eouip- ped.
Just stock and operate; $lOO mo. GIBRALTAR. DI GROUP FORMING TO BUILD LARGE GARDEN-TYPE APARTMENTS CALL RE 5-6737. BET. 6-9 GUEST BOISE, 28 rms operated room and board: well excel location.
Call KEACH PURCELL. EX. 3-2412. LADIES BEADY-TO-WEAB shop, prime location in Hagerstown Md over volume that can be doubled under personal supervision; Newly flxtured. Box 82-B, Star.
LARGE. RiETAIL HARDWARE business, center of Westminster: approx. 7,000 sq. ft. around floor space.
2 floora. There is i also soother building on the premises presently occupied as beauty parlor and barber shop; corner property, finest loc YOUR OPPORTUNITY for a going businets Retail grocery business. doing excellent volume: low over- I head; here is a well established, clean cash business that you can buy at a "once in a lifetime offer. Good equipment including 1 air conditioning. Living quarter, too.
PERCY M. BURKE AGENCY 1 Westminster. Md. TI. b-6620 'LARGE STORE AND now I rented, short lease, income 2-story garage to wide alley.
Bargain $18,450 On very good A. R. SEELYE. DI 7-8325. LAUNDRIES, Maytags, coin low as fl.wuu down, completes installed.
finance. LAUNDRY. AUTOMATIC COIN Speed Queen, now building; fine Va. location. Bnould be money maker.
Ready soon.CL. 6-2120 LAUNDRIES. D. self-service, open 24 hrs. day; low down payment, bal.
monthly. CL 6-212 LAUNDROMAT BUSINESS for aate; I 5 just opened, and with no tisement, is doing $350 per wu 1 20 washers and 7 driers, installed I and operating; 5-jr. lease on lge store. Apply LINKINS 181 st. n.w., DI.
LAUNDROMAT, coin operated, new Westinghouse, fully equip. Ideal SO o-8w27. LAWYER OR FIRM, young, with BEC experience and time Your compensation will be an interest in a new company with tre- mendous growth potential Subi stantial partners Call MR GORDON, Bun HE 4-1123. aft. Sun WQ 6-4413 LtQUOR LICENSE Pr Geo.
Co Also have loc in new shopp. ctr. GIBRALTAR DI. 7- 650 U. LIVELY CORNER GROCERY.
No i fresh meat One man operation Average per week. Apt above Only for stock and some fixtures. LI. 7-1444. 1 LOCAL GOING BOAT SHOP AND MARINE SUPPLIES in heart of city, for sale: fresh clean stock of boats, motors, parts and paints, complete shop Call MR MICHAEL NO.
7-7515. LUNCHEONETTE and carry-out patent medifine; selling at sacrifice: price as is Income quoted now about sso to $B5 day. 6 days. inc from extras $65 mo. New ountain.
easy opertion. Price for 11 quick sale. down $1,500 A. BKELYE. DI mail ORDER and retail old 'i established business Potential future gains unlimited Little com- I petition.
Only person with subi stantial cash interested in form-1 ing corporation reply. Box 75-B Star MARINA STORE, outboard reprs fish, tackle, motors and boats estab. 10 yrs AGT HE 4-0210 1. 25 units; I plenty land to expand: excel on- 1 Pty.GIBRALTAR. DI.
7-6500, MOTEL. Rte 301. 5 acres house. units. Sacrifice.
$34,500. terms on to expand GIBRALTAR MOTEL ON U. S. HWY. Va 25 units.
200.000 sq ft land, swimming pool, restaurant; $07,500 Broker WO. B-3437. NEWSSTAND, downtown office rent. $6O; should net $75 wk 8 to Bat 8 to 12. Can sell coffee to go.
heat and furn Price, 13,500. Mr Tow er wA. EELYI, DI 7-8325 OPEN SHOE REPAIR SHOP in estab, dry cleaning store Must I have own machinery Good 10-1 cation on Mt Pleasant st Contact MR BUG ASH. LI. 4-4016 Bun RA.
3-0137 I OWN A COIN-OPERATED UNATTENDED PHILCO-BENDIX LAUNDERCENTER With a minimum investment you can be part of the fastest-growing business in the country. return on investment thefsiltr year not unusual. We offer the finest equipment Washer COMPLETE and Engineering PRIME LOCATIONS NO INVENTORY OR ATTENDANTS OPEN 24 Hours. 7 Days Per Week 1 INVESTIGATE NOW I WRITE OR PHONE Joseph Guss St Sons, Inc. i 2046 West Virginia Ave.
N.E. WASHINGTON 2. D. C. LAwrence 6-5100 I I PARTNER wanted in business venture.
small investment, Ige. turns AP. 4-2758. PARTNER WANTED. Well estab.
bus. net slo.oou 5-day no exper. nec DI. 7- 6500. PATENTABLE NEW PRODUCTS AND INVENTIONS WANTED I Funds available to establish new businesses having commercial possibilities: also, expert business advice in negotiating working arrangements or joint ventures with old established companies )BOX 235-B STAR REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE (P i assured an- I nual income from rents and insurance commissions 1959 total I income, $17,000 on part-time basis bv individual broker.
Low overhead. Bldg equip good will and assistance until qualified. 000 Box 91-T. Star. RENTAL TV largest A good business for a TV shop or semi-retired 80.
5- I 8114. i REST HOME A wonderful opporutnity to own an old established rest home, ing valuable real estate. Catering I to select clientele. Generous terms to responsible person who will -1 carry on the present owner high i standard of operation. Write Box 149-B.
Star. RESTAURANT AND BAR, Colored Nice Ga ave. loc. RA. 3-9730 Call between 6 pm.
and midnight RESTAURANT, beer license, equip and rebuilt 6 months ago; colored and white trade. Must sell, death in family. Excellent terms Wonderful opportunity. HU. 3-4520 MISS DORSEY.
RESTAURANT. Montgomery Ige beer bus ideal for 2 partners GIBRALTAR. CO DI. 7-6500 RESTAURANT. Rockville; nice small bus Low rent; only $2,500 cash.
GIBRALTAR DI. 7-6500. restaurant. College Pk partner sell or take another partner, sub cash. DI.
7-6500. RESTAURANT. Va beer, doing excel, bus in good loc closed Bun reas. GIBRALTAR. DI 7- 6500, RESTA UR A NT.
Va beer i PL no only SO.OOO—*/» dn DI. 7-6500. r.J A RA DEER. suburban area; inc $1.200 wk only $5,500 S2T. A Se tB JI2 opportunity A BEELYE.
DI 7-8325. 5 At ANT and Jin? 1 aboUt 75 i AxJ lo £. F-MO; down A SEELYE. DI. t-8325 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT LIQUOR; income.
to asking 115.000 on terms; comml -Indus area; buy bartdr. A. BEELYI. DI. 7-8325 i BKBTAUB4NT CAMY-OUT.
All counter, all rapid service: income, i $9OO wk trial period; 10-yr. lease: machines clear about $lOO. mo. Closed Bundays Asking $3,800 down rice. Mr Towler A.
BEELYE. DI. 1-6325. I RESTAURANT-LIQUOR, only slo.oo-' down; reai goou I n.w. loc.
All it needs is a good bartender. A. R. SEELYE. DI.
7- 8325 Golden opportunity for right operator, tremendous deal down, machines avg. arcund $lOO wk quoted. Better call Sunday. A. SIELYE DI.
RESTAUBANT-LIQUOK. upper ave; seats 65:: all new equip; very cheap rent, long lease; closed Sundays: can handledi with $7,500 cash down. W. THRIFT. Exclus ve, 1411 Pa.
ave. n.w., NA 8-974 I RESTAURAnT-L downtown. nr. Pa. ave scl.
dome good business but can be zreatly increased bv expsrlenced ooerator. can be hanoiec with $l2 000 cash 1 down. W. THRiFi. exclusive.
1 avc nw 8-9743. RESTAURANT Seats over 175. Finest Clientele near Cap.tol Hill. Terr.fi: potential. Weekly volume now over $2,500, modern, air cond.
Priced reasonably. Wonderful terms to responsible people. Exclusive. CORNER GROCERY Mixed trade. Beautiful large apt.
Reasonable rent. Priced unusually low at $5,000 complete, with large stock. $2,000 down. Exclusive. PACKAGE LIQUOR, N.W.
Owners quote over an- nually. Good profits, thickly populated area Good operator ahould easily net $25,000 annually. Must be seen to be appreciated. DRY I N.W. Good location for pawnbroker and second-hana merchandies Same owner over 35 years Low rentals Priced low at $15,000 complete with approx.
stock. Terms i wonderful opportunity for live- wire. Eves, and Chasen. RA. U-5438.
KOGOD BOOKOFF 412 Sth St. N.W. NA. 6-8373 ROOMING HOUSE. 13 rm, well turn Gar.
J2VS. plus 3- I rm. apt. Lease. Sl.oOu handles OWENS.
ME. 8-4621, ME. 6-0484. BOOMING HOUSE, near Dupont elrc.e; 714 baths: profiti able income: very well turn reas. i down payment.
Other into, call KEACH At fURCELL. EX 3-2412. ROOMING 4 baths: close to Calvert st. Bridge: Income quoted over mo plus apt. with bath: Sl5O rent.
terms EDWIN L. ELLIS. Broker. RE- Vermont ave. SANITARY VIOLET RAY WASH DRY i Coin Operated Laundry Exclusive franchise, all equipment, with violet ray attachments.
Fine location. Installation in existing stores All violet rav prebuilt blds. Real money makers 1 3 to 5 yrs. financing Call HA 2-328 Self-Serv. Groc Beer Owner quotes over $2,000 wkly.
Modern, beaut, equipped Closed Bun No nearby competition Priced reasonably. Good terms to responsible people Must be seen to be appreciated. Exclusive. GAS STATION 4131 Minnesota ave n.e—Now closed Rent only $125 mo Eves and Sunday. Al Bookoff.
RA 6- 6527 KOGOD BOOKOFF St N.W NA. 8-83731 I SERVICE STATION OPPORTUNITY Mod. 2-bay vervic, station avail, for lease to a responsible energetic individual who is anxious to operate his own busmess, and who is willing and to make a modest capital investment This station combines the business-get ting features of a heavily-t aveled hwy. a substantial neighborhood devel' orment, and a successful center Furthermore, this is a going It has an estab clientele and a good merchanaiser I and businessman will be able to I develop it to a very rewarding enterprise The location is also ideally suited to 24-hr. operation.
call MR HICKS. JA. 4-1100 (day), or TE 6-3612 SERVICE STATIONS SUNOCO Now with spring approaching we will be able to complete several new service stations, now under construction: excel opportunities for people to enter the service station business; sufficient time' avail, to secure complete training through salaried programs. Minimum investment: good loi cations, will be avail, in the Metropolitan Area: able to produce incomes from $7,000 to $12,000 annually. Telephone NA I 8-3266 fcr an appt SHELL Service Station I iFcr lease.
In metropolitan Virginia; geing business choice location. 4 lnt desired SNACK BAR AND SOFT ICE vREAM installations. Also tactory rebuilt and thick shake and soft serve freesers. Big trades all sixes priced to sell. Also factory-built portable buildings Completely equipped Modern design Off season specials.
No royalties Easy terms Write AUTOMATIC MFG CO. 3600 Mc- Kinley Wash D. C. MODERN BRICK-ANDCINDER BLOCK xoned for light manufacturing: ne DC Bldg 50x32, on lot 6.250 sq ft. 3 offices.
2 toilets, refgr. unit. 3-phase current, loading platform, parking, security fence DUNNE HO 2-0700; eves and Sun FE 3-1173 SOUTHERN MARYLAND CHESAPEAKE BAY BOAT harbor and commercial beach, restaurant. 7 cottages. bath houses, picnic tables.
2.000 feet of bay beach: only about 35 miles from the District of Columbia: area all fenced: an old. successful family business for many years: beer licenses, legal slot machines an extraordinary opportunity for investor exneri-; enced in this type of commercial operation. The harbor, long bay pier and magnificent beach have made this one of the best-known resorts in the Southern Maryland area Very reasonably with liberal financing. 2 BAY FILLING STATION AND GARAGE 5 room apt. on 2nd floor: hot water heat: highway corner: $15,000, real estate included.
J. B. WATERS ASSOC. Alpine 7-2730 Prince Frederick 214 or 48R SOUTHERN MARYLAND new modern equipment: new masonry building; main highway location: beautiful salesroom, separate fountain and 1 ice cream parlor; a beautiful modern set up PLUMBING ma- sonry shop and salesroom; new 4- bedrm home. a baths, basement.
hot-water heat: main high- way location: acre? land; includes reel estate and equipment: splendid opportunity for plumber wanting his own ness: present business sbout 1 006 a year PACKAGE GOODS established: $70,000 gross sales 1 Slot machines: $5,000: 5-yr. lease BAR AND new fixtures and equip Tavern and lunch separate main dining rm and cocktail lounge lower level colored bar living quarters All completely air conditioned: on courthouse square in countv seat: established business slots COUNTRY STORE masonry self-service store, fully equipped, doing excellent business, Filling station (new): nice home; 1 12 acres Corner for future dei velnpment. WATERFRONT SNACK BAR Launching ramp, river pier. 13 I rental boats. 2 cottages: established business FEED for nationally known feeds Main highway location; mod 3-bedrm i home, feed store, grinding mill, i hatchery drilled well full ern equipment; large trailer delivery trucks Old established trade RESTAURANT AND BAR In thriving Southern Maryland city: all liquor licenses; legal slots, seats 150 Gross sales beautifully furn and equipped 1 WATERFRONT landmark.
40 rooms, bar. restaurant: all furnished and equipped: liquor and brer license Legal slots r- Pier on deep water harbor. BODY SHOP-GARAGE-FILI ING STATION. block bldg fully 5 equipped. 3-bay gas station, main highway location.
MD. STROUT FREE Businesses, motels, farms, homes: 3.663 properties described. 36 States. WORLD LARGEST! Est. ni 60 yrs STROUT REALTY.
1138- Woodward Bldg, Washington, Sterling BUSINESS OPFORTUNITIES TOURIST HOME on busy Md. highway, nr. Washington. Over; work forces lady owner to sell this lucrative Call McDOWELL. REALTOR.
UN 4-71121 DRY CLEANING store 1 with plant: minimum $7OO weekly over counter: white area. Phone PE. 1 We Can Finance You! OWN YOUR OWN UNATTENDED Westinghouse LAUNDROMAT I EQUIPPED LAUNDRY STORE MAKE 000 YEARLY IN YOUR SPARE TIME Be your own boss while maintaining your present business, profession or job. No experience necessary. All equipment is coin-metered and easily operated by customers without need of attendants Many storea are open 24 hours a day.
7 days a week. Receive training, advice, location and continuing promoticna. help from the international organization that has planned over 9.500 laundry stores. We will finance up to 90 of total purchase offer you lowest monthly Write or phone for information. ALD, INC.
1853 GREENSPRING LANE TIMONIUM. MD CLEARBROOK 2-2000 WHOLESALE TOY Will trade for land, apartmant house, motel, or other investment that can be managed by absentee ownership I will sell outright for $60,000 Also working partner with $25,000 to invest What's you offer? Box 138-B. Star. YOU May Be Qualified To Run Your Own Business Modern service station locations available with major oil company; experience helpful but not necessary, paid training program: capital investment required. Further information available.
MR. NUGENT. LU. 2- i 2539. YOU CAN INCREASE YOUR YEARLY INCOME BY 1 SB.UOO OR MORE Without Neglecting Your Present Business YOU can own a Coin-metered un.
attended COIN-O-WASH Laundry, and as operators throughout the country have done, add substantially to your present income No special background, training or experience necessary KELVINAIOR DIVISION OF AMERICAN MOIORS MANUFACTURER OF THE COIN-O-WASH i IS PRODUCING th, will make you more profit than any other machine sold. A SMALL cash outlay will cover the down payment and installation of a COIN-O-WASH store, and we will finance the balance oyer 3 years, or 5 years I TO HELP vou increase vour yearly income, we 1. FINANCE up to of equipment 2. COMPLETE engineering and designing 13. BUSINESS potential survey of store 4 HANDLE the finest HATCHED equipment in the industry.
OUR personal experience the COIN METERED LAUNDRY FIELD covers more than 20 years More than anyone else in the business. CALL or write today sc we can show you the choice locations now available ALECO SYSTEMS. INC. 129 East Rosemary Lane Falls Church. JEfferson 4-1600 ft AND lOe STOBE for sale easy hours and good income; must sell.
Call DU 7-6174. 113 MASS. AVC. N.W.. Boned C-3 loc near Union Btelion.
Govt, and GAO. office ana saie room Ist fir. apt 2nd flr DUNNE CO HO. 2- Bun FE 3-1173. $10,060 PARSINGS in 8 months typical for a Dairy Dan mobile soft ice cream dealer Our new plan permits you to acquire your own highly profitable growth business with no down payment Call HA 7-7107 for information.
16th ST. PROPERTY (Near doaotown area Will qrou out In five No I For appointment, cal) FE. 7- 1757, bet. 6 and A p'm. COLOBED BUSINESSMAN wanted to sell half intereit tn Brovin, bull near to high caliber colored or white buslneu! man with to $12,000 cash to invest.
Possible to earn a vr. for xourself. Box 495-B. Star. STORES FOR RENT cor Wash blvd Pershina 1 1,350 ft store or 1 ofc Mr.
L'Hommedleu. EM. 3-0220 NEST RENT IN prox 4.700 square feet. 18.000 car count per day Excellent tor i Mce or sto MR PEYTON or MR YOUNG. OL 6-2344.
FREDERICK BERENS BALEB. INC BETHXBDA Modern alr-cond bldg ready for occupancy in May; up to 4.000 so. tt ot store space, ample pri' rate and public Parking OL 2-2262; evenings. AX 0-0027 CHEVY CHASE 5502 CONNECTICUT AVE N.W, Excellent opportunity to establish branch in Washingtons highest income area. I CALL KNOX 1 Thos.
J. Fisher St Inc. i 738 15th Bt. N.W DI 7-683(1 choice Corner ST. AND 20th N.W.
NEW MERCURY Approx 3.100 so. highly durable alr-cond space, suitable for offices and showroom, or any business. fine prestige location: immediate possession. CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9080 CLAKENDON.
2 block. Wilson corner gtore. 1041 Highland State liquor store next door; about 1.506 sq. ft. Ist fl.
2 rms. downstairs: gas heat. front window: vac. I Dixie Realty NA. 8-8879.
EASTPINES SHOPPING CENTER Riverdale rd at I 1 store avail, soon. Present tenant moving to large space In center. 40x60 Will remodel for shoes, apparel, etc. or non-confllctlug line. LO 5-4484.
EASTOVER SHOPPING 2. sq ft May 1. PENN MAR SHOPPING CENTERchoicr locations avail. I REALTY MANAGEMENT CORP 3876 Donnell dr Wash. 28.
RE 6-6717. I EXCELLENT SHOPPING CENTER LOCATIONS We have several good stores, two in se Washington centers idesl for children's wear, luvenile furniture. family shoes. TV-appliances. restaurant, etc.
Reasonable rentals Also excellent location 30x100 ft. for specialty furniture in successful 18-store center in Bethesda area Mr Taylor. Leasi ing Dent SHANNON LUCHB CO. Realtors, 724 14th n.w., DOWNTOWN BT. LOCATION HEAVY TRAFFIC I WEAR.
SHOES. ETC. NA, 8-8025 FALLS CHURCH, cor busy intersection: Ige. show windows; 650 sq. $175 mo 200 Washington st JA 5-6200: JE 2-6011 1 GREENWAY CENTER MINN.
AVE AND CAPITOL ST i Store. 20x48. in established busy shopping center, suitable any line of business low rent. CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9080 HOT SPOT Square, next to theater.
Safeway. Acme, public parking, low rental. TA IN BEAUTIFUL Hunting Towers shopping center, suitable TV. radio sales and repair shop: 800 families on premises, plus Ige apartment project nearby. Phone i TE.
6-3000 weekdays 1 8.500 sq. ft bldg suitable for retail or warehousing rent all or Part. Mr Thompson. JU 9-2552: eves OL. 2-6502.
C. MARBTBLLER. Realtor. NEARBY VIRGINIA Store 35x65 ft In well established shopping center of 25 stores Ideal for variety, apparel, yardgoods. TV.
upholstery or gift shop CALL KNOX Thos. J. Fisher Inc. 738 15th st. N.W DI 7-6N30 NR 11th AND RANDOLPH STS.
N.W.—ldeal or office; fenced yard, parking for several trucks or autos: heat torn SSA RE. H-46ss OFF MASS. 72ft 2nd st Approx 1.200 sq. ft with parking space in rear. SIOU per mo.
ST. 3-8561. STORES FOR RENT I (CONTINUED)I OPENING F6B FOOD in 15-tMre I (hopping etnwr: 500 on one high income home, on other lide. more apta. itarting: basement 30x21: will deepen or add ttorage room at rear: aa, heat in duets: 2 toilets; 4Oi amp double front and double rear doors: parkin-, front and rear.
i 150 cars: rent $330. Go aee. 4516- 18 Lee highway. W. MONT- 1 OOMERY, JA.
'I-SOBO. Prime Location I 8707 Georgia Ave. Store on Ist floor of Silver largest and finest office also has own stairway to basement space suitable for any business or office. Apply supt. on premises or call Leo M.
Bern-, stein Agent, 2-8484. PRINCE GEORGES SHOPPING CENTER Annapolis and Landover Roads OPP CHEVERLY THEATER Suitable for bakery, florist, loan office, ygrd goods or any line not comflicting with present stores -CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9080 REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER SPORTING GOODS STORE Beautiful store available in ex, tremely successful established cen, ter in Virginia for sporting business. Large major department store. Hot Shoppe, Woolworth.
I Peoples Drug and many other national chain tenants. Parking for approx 4.006 cars Consult Mr. R. Taylor. Leasing SHANNON LUCHS Realtors.
724 14th st. NA 8-2345. RETAILERS! 1 JOIN IHE SUBURBAN BUSINESS BOOM! LOCATE YOUR BUSINESS IN SPRINGFIELD. VA NEW STORE BUILDINGS AVAILABLB! Population Concntratlop In Fairfax Couniyi Peopla Now! Growing 000 Each Year! the Intersection of Shirley Hwy and th. New Washington Cl'mum.
4-7000 SHOE ooportumty on main location to share quarter, in busy Vienna. Va. shopping center. Very reaaonable rent to young, honest Mareu, TEONAS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. DU 5-5500 or JA.
5-0107 SILVER SPRING. BONIFANf BT I 19X60: air cond rear entr $2OO I mo HE 4-1898. JU. 5-3232 SPRING, centrally located, 822. Georgia ave Completely modernised store front, air cond etc: available immediately: long term legae JU.
0-0505 ft. prime local tion Heaviest foot traffic in 8-8191. TAKOMA store' ,1 busv street: suitable loc for any retail use or office space Mr Thompson. JU 9-2552. eves OL marsteller; Realtors.
1 UPTOWN CONN. .1.000 sq nr, VIENNA (Glyndon shopping eenteri store. 20x50: nr Drug JA MR BITKIN WHEATON. 11238 da. 1 3 most new.
air eond. space: ample parking taclls excel. retail loc $275 per mo Mr Thompson. JU 9-2552: eves OL marsteller realtors 3310 'GE OH GIA AVE. store with 2nd store apt ot 4 rms.
and bath. Immed. posses- sion. Call TA. 9-9770.
3505 GA. AVE. N.W.—Restaurant or carry-out shop: bath spt. RE. 6-4688.
PE 7-2137 1255 NORTH FAIRFAX Art. ya In rear. Will doc for tenant. Call JA 8-6014 a 3 EXCELLENT LOCATtONSTvery reas 816 st. partly equip tor valet shop.
906-908 N. I ave n.w. Approx 3.000 so. tt a Parking and loading tacll. KICOLAD INVEST DI.
7-3047. Ist-CLASS LOCATION for restaurant and bar. $175 mo 3432 14th st n.w. THOS WALSH, INC I 190 i) st. EX.
3-6850. Shoreham: suit, ofc. WO. 6-3816 6 STORES in new arcade-type bldg Close-in se. adj.
to longe.tab shoppine center Choice store selection at this time: plenty of easy parking: flexible lease. BERENS SALESAP. 7-4646 731 lltb ST. N.W.—Excel, location. 5 air cond good for any business EX.
3-9164. RA 6-1101. 2645 CONN AVE. N.W. BTORB AND BSMT.
25x75 LOUIS RUDDEN TU. 2-3060 1239 7th ST. N.W. Suitable Any Business. $125 WASHINGTON RLTT: RA.
and 8 Dak ave ne S. and 20.000 so occupancy July I. Choice In-town 1 loc across from Rigg, shopping center Ph. FE. 7-7770.
WAREHOUSES FOR RENT CLOSE-IN N.E.—9.000 ft; modern high ceiling. R.R., trailer-loading recess. Avail. Call Mr. Quay.
LU. 2-9369. JOHN F. DON- I OHOE A SONS. 314 Pa.
2 floora ot open space with small office: drive-in door from alley: in rear. Close-in n.e.; reas. rent Will consider sale 3 5600 SQ. FT. a New brk.
40-ft. clear span. 1 18-ft. ceiling finished office. Blower heat.
Covered truckloading dock, ample perking. Additional bays are available. Outstanding Virginia location. 8400 SQ. FT.
Mod. brk. warehouse: 1 floor, plus? 1.600 sq. ft. of paneled office space.
Drive-in door, central Ar- 3 lington location. 18,000 SQ. FT. Combination warehouse and research space, air-cond offices. Conspicuous prestige location in close-in Virginia.
APPROX. 21,000 SQ. FT. Corner brk. bldg main hiehway Completely air fluorescent lighting, finished resesrch space WEAVER INC.
REALTORS MTO. BANKERS Washington Bldg.Dl. 7-8300 I. GEORGIA AVE. N.W., 6.3o9—Dry Bep $5O mo ft A 6-8500.
RA, 6-4118. f. KENILWOBTIf INTERCHANGE 0 32x60 ft. clear span xoned manufacturing. SP.
3-0567. MODERN warehouses and industrial bldgs, in units of 10,000, 20,000 and 30.000 ft. with siding and offices and convertible to spe- ciflc needb Avail. April 1. INDUB TRIAL PROPERTIES.
UN. 4-8003 L. or see your broker. NR. W.
VA. AVE. AND NEW YORK AVE. N.E.—25.000 ft. on one floor in fireproof bldg Rental 03c per sq.
ft. Additional 25.000 sq ti ft. on roof for park, approached bv ramp, included in rent Con- Tilt Mr. R. M.
Taylor. Leasing 1 Dept SHANNON LUCHS CO I Realtors. 724 14th st. n.w. NA REAR BT.
brick; 5.500 sq. ft $2OO. WABH- INGTON RLTY. RA, 3-83u0. NEW 5.000 SQ.
FT. warehouse and office building Fully air conditioned. Available June 1. Also 12.000 sq. ft building available with railroad siding; all in choice n.w.
C. location. Other choice sites available on excellent terms. for sale or lease Call MR. WEISS.
EX 3-5340 or JU. 5-7563. I WAREHOUSES FOR RENT II BU.VEB Lo- cated" to tu.uuu sq. ft. BdcO avail: low as buc aaq MR.
PRAT 4. JU. 8-7U4U. STORAGE SPACE UK u.Uuu accommodate 1 bloca iron Union otat.on immeo. occupancy.
ceiling height, paved off-street parking, tailgate loading; suitable ught manuiacturing. I. W.W. 1.7-9080 Z-MAUBY BRU a near 2na at. n.w.
R. g. i DUNNa, CO hO. 2-O7UO. 1 10,000 BQ.
FT. mduatnai, 2 floors; ore-, bldg. aeavy-iuaq tlooi. freigni cievator, ioacm docx, un BAcu Riding, un- i meaxate uccupaucy, tocaiea a oi Benning anu Minu ave. n.e.
u. inawecuon, fl-1433. CHILLUM PL. new warehouae with office, air cono. 12-xt.
clear ceiling: lavatories; pvt. parking loauuig lacilitiesi excel, cite near Aintkt ave. aad Blair ra. n.w. Reasonable rental.
Call MH j-u34U. JU or ju. 5-IMU. 110,000 to 20,000 Sq. Ft.
i xeouuc c-M-l on 1 floor i with offices, poone Mifid BHaY HU 3-0919 11 DC. Short term sublease on i app. ci.vuu al. oi. modern Ist floor space at 85c sq.
has railrogq. truck dock. fl wash rooms, omce and parsing. 2 sq. rail- 1 road siding, loading dock, park- ing area.
91c sq. it. 3 sq ft railroad tiding, covered loading will divide. A. M.
HOaH RE. 7-7330 14.255 BQ.Fi. Exceptionally weh located one 1 Sbtry MAiucen wnh r.r. tiding anu xa.ge unve-in doort Very attractive offices High ceiling neaay lor occupancy by -a discriminating tenant. 1 WEINBERG St BUSH, INC.
Reeltors NA. 8-5500 llftft CHtwcH fIT. N.W.— 1 nouse or auvu repair parking space: rent, only sivu! mo, j-9104, rcA. 6-110A. iHDUSTHIAL FROP, SALE 1 Ught industrial, adjoining r.r.
Tuxedo area; $1.73 Box 312-B, fltar. i aMuA-kOCKVILLI i ArtLA Light neavy industrial anu inauscria. pars sorung, several choice or wru build io suit yuur needb on 1-acre or' A lB tracl Leon Bisson. 1 KEALTY OL. 2-9u70 interchange, aoneu 1-1 paveo street; any size up to 3 HO.
2-0126. 'TA KENILWORTH INTERCHANGE 3 Corner of 22,683 sq ft. of 1-2 ln ground with r.r.' utils inc). 2,000 sq. ft.
masonry I warehouse, plus office A. M. ROTH RE. 7-7330 RR 2.J er Fr 9 eo Co fori influx trig), I.Bm, ft. on ROSE RE ALT AP 7-2459 'POTENTIAL INDUSTRIAL.
Kemfworth Ave 80.000 ro asking i p. I v' Bt 10 HUDSON RL. EST. CO UN, 4-1515 UN, 4-7171 Tt DO -Over 7o.rtif<i ft Jf 1 Influatrlal ground on 840 I Price. A.
M. ROTH RE. 7-7330 6 Level ground dose to the Circumferential Highway adjacent to railroad Al) utilities are the property. Attractive price and 0 Purchaaer Smaller or larger can be ar inged Call Mr Brafford. WEAVER INC.
Or nid. Mortgage Bankers Wjth Bldg DI I 55,000 SQ. Choice lad. prop, acroaa from Rigg, Shopping Center, corner Rigg, rd I n. Pftced 0 INDUSTRIAL PROP, fv RENT 3.606 BQ FT.
fireproof. --floor masonry building; 2 street ces for Tight man- Plant- Avan within 2 weeks on 5-yr. lease 8T JAMEB L. DIXON RLTRS INDUSTRIAL PROP. WANTED FOX IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCT by a good client, approx 6.1,000 1 on one floor: within 50-mi radius of for light menu-: factoring using unskilled labor Brokers co-op.
Invited. Mr Tan- I Os tanen REALTT CO WO. 6-2274 or EM. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES wanted for sale or lease. A.
M. ROTH RE. 7-7330 OFFICES, STUDIOS (er RENT A MEDIUM-SIZE OFFICE off Conn ave. 1104 st. All utilities.
Janitor service. $45 month HE 4-3239. HO 2-7200. AIR CONDITIONED 2200 SQ. FT.
co LOCATION I all open space, Dirt li 0 For WIBS BACK NORMAN BERNSTEIN 3TNDICATES AIR CONDITIONED i front offices tn elevator: JtaSl wi Beir District Court SST-mY 0 3 conditioned £2 14th AN KNW CHOICE SPACE OF 4.075 BQ PT Consisting of 600 sq ft on street floor, with modern: attractive show window and eet entrance connected by private salrway to .3.415 sq. ft. on 2nd floor: suitable llne of hutiness; immediate occupancy CAFRITZ 1625 Xye St. NW. DI 7-9080 APPROX.
12.000 SQ. FT. on 2 floors, luxurious office space. Central air cond Separate st. en.Pftwt* Vic.
18th 1 Calvert n.w. Occupied last J' Remington Rand as tabulating Institute. Wil) lease to equally responsible or- 0 $1 28 OWNER ME 8-1130: eves OL 2-4543 abl: courthouse Furnished pvt office: telephone: SA ervlce 78 i ABL. 1025 Vermont ave. I n.w.—.l-and-2-rm.
suites avail 0 WALKER 1 DUNLOP. ST ARTIST STUDIO, spacious, rent free for commercial artist only J. hanKe or some services, i W- BILL 1501 14th at 1 (14th and Pn BETHESDA, upper Wis. sq. ft suite in modern office bldg $lOO per mo inch air heat, i lights and daily janitor service; public parking in rear Contact I OEO.
W. ROBERTSON. 7936 Wis i avc OL IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE KEDRICK BUILDING 1801 Street N.W. Best Downtown Location AIR CONDITIONED i 35,000 to 40,000 Sq. Ft.
(Six Floors) Minimum Space, 5,000 to 6,000 Sq. Ft. (One Floor) Short-Term Rentals MAGRUDER MANAGEMENT CO. Call ME. 8-3383 OFFICES.
STUDIOS fer RENT I (CONTINUED) I BARRISTER BUILDING 635 BT. N.W. Four-room suite ft Vi 5160.00 a month: all ttrvicu; wired for air conditioning. DIST. BLDG.
A LOAN BLDG. ONE THOMAS CIRCLE i Two-room suite. $160.00. FIRST NATL BANK BLDG 1333 N.W. One room, or 1,500 sq.
air conditioned, all aervicca; conservative CALL J. KNOX Thos. J. Fisher St Inc. 738 15th Rt.
N.W. DI. 7-6530 1 Modern air-cond. office ready i for occupancy in May; up to 7.0001 sq. ft.
of office space. Ample prlvate and public parking. OL. 2- eves AX, 9-9027, I cedar ST. N.W.—Lge.
cor effiee; zoned reas. rent. MR. STUBBLEFIELD, RA. 6-7372.
CENTRALLY LOCATED. Georgia! Silver Spring; air reasonable rent. JU. 9-0505. CENTRAL BUILDING CORNER Bth AND N.W.
Choice modern offices available from $55. Including all servlcea. CAFRITZ, DI. 7-9080 CHOICE 6-RM. SUITR, alr-cond.
office parking. 16th and Eyel st. n.w. AP. 7-3452.
CLOSE-IN VA. Entire 2nd floor of new bank building 5,000 ft. Completely airconditioned. Excellent parking Will partition to suit. Bee Mr.
Norris. WEAVER INCJ REALTORB. MORTGAGE BANKERS Wash Bldg. COLLEGE PARK and other F. Co areas; 144 to 5.000 ft.
ft. In THE preatlge location, corner 14th and ata. available May 1 THOS. D. WALSH, INC.
1900 St, N.W. RX. 3-6850 CONN. AVE. $7O-180 ROOM Choice auitea of 1-2-3 rooms.
Im. mediate occupancy, free use of I ouildins conlerence room, ex 0 building. Apply MANAGER. Dupont Circle Bldg AD 4- DESK space. 4015 roo i OFFICE t'neral practitioner.
internlat or osteopath: BUCKINGHAM 313 Glebs rd Arlington. Va JA 2-5000. Doctors and Dentists New Modern Medical Science Building 800 Pershing Drive Medical aultea. new modern bldg. rt BHver Soring large 8H? lle lnt Adjacent: air conditioned: elevator service: professional pharmacy and medical oratory located In building FRANK L.
SUITE THE CHABTLITON 1701 16th ST N.W. Lovely suite with private bath right off lobby in excellently located, well maintained, large apt. hotel bldg switchboard and mail desk services: ell conveniences on Apply premises or call MISS SACK. DI. 7-4909.
NORMAN BERNSTEIN SYNDICATES Doctor or Psychiatrist 3000 CONN. AVE. N.W. 3- BATH SUITE i 1 PARK Attractive newly decorated aulte I cfoaet and storage switchboard service; A p1 dofl MISS SACK Dl. 7-4909.
NORMAN BERNSTEIN SYNDICATES SUITE Splendid location for two doctors to snore office, general 2 er nd oedlatrician or obate, trician or surgeon; on ground floor oi apartment bldg tn center of Good Hope Ngylor, surrounded by 1.900 family dwelling units: 3 rms end bath: designed for practicing physician. $125 Phone LU 2S TO aS bes(nTlul new 100-bed Wheaton Nursing Home Ground level entrance on, i Dupont Circle 6000 Sq. Ft. Air Conditioned Only $3.50 Per Ft. Entire 2nd floor on Conn.
2 squares from Dupont circle; windows on all sides; all services incl. LEO M. BERNSTEIN St agent. DE. 2-8484.
DUPONT CIRCLE AREArwwrra bsmt, office, air separate pvt. bath; 1 or 2 with or without reception and answering service DB. 2-6604: KE. 7-0767. EASTPINES SHOPPING CENTER RIVERDALE RD.
at Baltimore- Washington air-cond office apace now available. LO 5- EYE ST. N.W. AT ISTH Beautiful mahogany-paneled office and ception room. pvt.
bath; 500 ft. DI. 7-7900. EYE ST. N.W..
for i doctor er dentist. 8 rooms, re! ception. ktlchen' $4OO mo. Will FLOYD E. DAVIS: CO 1628 st.
n.w., NA. 8-0352. EYE ST. N.W. 17M lge.
I suite, of offices in this most con-i ven. neighborhood; A'C; 1500 sq. ft. each. DI.
FALLS CHURCH The new 4-story Anderson 450 West Broad st. Plenty of parking and at bus stop. Custom-fit offices. JE. 2-1260 falls Broad st.
near corner Leo room rear, pri: vote entrance. $3O. Also 2 rooms. 1 fl 585 parking. STANLEY ROWLAND JE.
8-8025, 'HIGHLY DESIRABLE single offices or suites: office space; new. modern. alr-cond st. n.w conv. location: occupancy April I.
NA. 8-3507. INDIANA AVE N.W.. flr. and bath in new bldg air cond.
ME. 8-2436. p.m KENSINGTON Ideal loc. for any display or office; use: excel, showroom; brand-new air-cond 800 sq ft. Mclntire LO.
5-5115 OFFICII, ITUDIOS ftr RENT FREE' eq ft. located 15th and 1 at ineurance. attorney. I diamond, n. 3714 bet.
9-5: WH, 2-7357 after 6 NEAR UNION STATION. 24 st. at n.w—Store front plus 9 2 baths, parti: newly Un. med. pose.
EX. 3-2282 or 9-8770. OFFICE in lawyer's attrac aulte; new office use of reception library, secretary space; possibility there $135 month. NA. OFFICE SPACE FOR Prox.
2.000 m. ft. Ist air eond all utils furn. incl. Janitor.
Mlll 8 Takomall 1 Mt es H. nr. District line. JU. S-3811 week OFFICE SPACE.
fTTupper i Wis. $35 ner i month. KE, 7-1010. OFFICE' Suite of 5 rooms and bath Has I been doctor's office for 30 yrs Conv. n.w.
location, busy transfer corner. Ga ave. and Upshur n.w.. above Petworth TA fl 38 Prime Location Cameron Ga. Ave.
I Air Conditioned Several choice suites; also small individual of- flees in Silver 1 largest and finest office apply supt. or call LEO M. BERNSTEIN St agent, DE. 2-8484. PRIVATE OFFICE available to at-' Bank Building: on share expense I 2o monthll 8011 SILVER SPRING: Lge.
1 rm. office, newly dee. $6O a mo. Mr. Thompson.
JU. 9-2552. Eves. OL. C.
MARSTELLER Realtor. SILVER SPRING Ground floor a pp rolt 1100 Air- I eond. 19x60 with rear exit. Suitable for office or store speee. Cen-1 trsl location near Suburban Trust 1 Assume lease of $2OO per mo WHENCE V.
LUTES CO JU. SILVER SPRING mg bl ubUc RIAL ATE CO. JU, 9-5100 WH 6-8874 New 1 1 block oft Georgia 1 pu i rWn 880 i ft. Ist fir $2OO per mo. Will partition.
Ready late March. Call Mr Peoples. SLIGO realty Realtors. JU. SOLAR BUILDING 16th and Sts.
12,350 so. ft. on sub-let floor Identical to all other floors with the exception of windows. Very reas. rental.
Posseeslon May 1 MR. MTRUP. DI. 7-6861. UPTOWN Location; Wisconsin l2r 4 pfflce month TOWN SUBURBAN EM 2-9400 lease space for class- adj.
ofllce. In an area that offers ll roie ood 3 alr-cond immediate posses, Mr RBNB WISCONSIN BUILDING I Atr-condltioned. acoustic ceilings modern Ugh ting, third floor ano lower level Brokerage, equipment, insurance, electronic'. WILL DIVIDE WOODWARD BLDG? 15th and Sts. N.W.
2 excellent suites. 1.550 sq. ft. snd kWM. 1 MR $3.50 Per services, mcl downtown, near: and its n.w.
Avail. 0 I WEAVER INC. Mortgage Bankers DI. 7-8300 905 16th ST. N.W~ Building A CTO in downtown ft of 6, sq.
ft. per floor 15u-pound floor load: auto, pasww Jl2 ator Avail. July. 1. WEAVER INC.
1 wV.h Mortgage Bankers wash. Bldg pi 7-8300! 810 18th ST. N.W. Desirable location, sgl. room, 27 mo 2-rm 682 sq.
ft $l9O mo. DI. 7-8604 or RE. 7-9702. 4-RM.
SUITE 1415 STREET N.W. Newly decorated, large well-proportioned rooms in attractive air-conditioned elevator bldf for further info, and appt, to inspect call MISS SACK. DI 7-4909. NORMAN BERNSTEIN SYNDICATES $35 Smail office in Silver Spring area nine ln Atlantic shop- center. Low rental with 14o 1 Or bu6lBeM TA.
JRCLE N.W. or month DrOflt organisation; $4OO THOS. D. WALSH, INC. Bt FX.
ROOMR NW LOOTH 826 UP TU 2-3060 OPPICE BUILDING Nichols ave. soon I te while COLORED I AIR CONDITIONED ht 8 elud OFFICII, STUDIOS WANTED 88OKE 8 I lr office space, nejj on Ken- SEJv tbove Ken-' nedy. RA 3-0900, RA. 3-2879 FARMS A Place to Relax! Dsrse lawn With 10 It. wide trout stream, picnic table and barbecue MT I National For- est.
cosy 5-rm dwelling. Bath built-in elec. oven. 011 8 cr 5 J' 1 tulabie. Les, than 10 mint, to Underpriced at $5,500, Anderson.
STROUT REALTY' Riverview. Swoope. Vs. (Near mA 1 0 Va 1 Bctgaln Lists mailed free. 625 acres with modern house, beaut, shrubbery; ample water, good fences; head stock; ample etc 5155.000 COMPLETE.
MR. OLSON. Broker. WO. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY I Da ry farm; east loothills Blue Ridge Mountgins; 360 acres.
164 in soil bank, balance in blue grass 1 pasture fields and woods. On border Madison and Rappahannock Counties. Virginia, has 5 streams originating in Shenandoah Nal 01 1 Park; vlew Oid A tru Virginia homestead. built In 1843: main dwelling has 7 rooms and bath bedrooms), stone basement. 5 bordered each side very old English boxwood.
Also 5-room cottage and a tenant house, barns; feed; 72 head of cattle, post office, general store. Farm Bureau agency 1 mile, school bus. mail and newspaper deliveries at road entranee; 11 miles to pun 2 hours drive from Washington. Price. $250 acre.
SM 2-6916. GRA- VATTB. Realtor. NA, 8-0753 Darnestown: scenic to acres and secluded rambler with 5 4 baths, den. liv.
rm with wonderful view. 2 stone fireplaces. sep. din. large basement: good financing.
Open to oflei BARBARA G. ROSS. Broker. WI. 8-9181.
I DIcSeBSON acres suitable lor grain and graxing; 80-head cow barn, lovely 9-rm. farmhouse necessary farm buildings, 3 ige streams, beautifully situated with a perfect view of Bugar Loaf Mountain: $115,000 MANOVILL REALTY CORP, REALTORS. LO. 4-8440. beautiful acrea.
lake: charming new 2H-bath rgmbler; rec rm. with stone Are- 1 place, additional acreage available: $26.500 -FAIRFAX REAL- TY. CR. 3-2407. FARMS (CONTINUtO) CALVERT COUNTY, MD.
Law. new rambler. FJiU baaement. hot-water heat, alec. 1 baths Exceptional view over the Patuxent River and valley, neat naw Holland rt 160 4-bedroom farm home, aeparate week-end cottage.
2 barns, stable, new tractor and equipment. Site lor 5-acre ke- Excellent white Termj required. -50 farm home, ttnant house. Bank barn for stock. co barns.
18-acre allotment. Valuable gravel deposit and timber Ib ouse with secluded. Ideal for small orchard. I hunting. Patuxent rtiver nearby WATERFRONT acrea.
Over front on deep harbor 011 haro Modern 4-bedrm. and aep. apt house, lge. new barn ano ataole, purebred bull and 2o head beef iJ Complete farm machinery. 0 16 200 I Bl roa4 interesting century none suitable lor restoration, excellent capital sain potential.
$50,000. 'vi; ne th new modern 4 full bsmi, full din. llv. rm. clear acres, icrtlle land.
Outstand, li 5 bo i tu Rlv. ing Bulld elec om rm wltl with $1,500 down 8 000 Of other farms, both waterfront and inland Writs or Phone for particulars J. B. WATERS ASSOC PRINCE FREDERICK MD. IPhone 214 and 488 CHARLES H.
JAMISON dairy, misc. bldgs. Will lease 29 mt ot 'To annually. $350 per SLu? 771 llohO 1 1 8350 nk hO S5 xB5 I 4 of Nau 400 mo. tt 2 WT Pool 'iHe.
Md. 1 or 301-DT CHARLIB ELOIN DI O'? IRVING BUTTJ PO REALTY. CR, 3-2407 FAgtFA i' dro PlB house, needs sJme 53039 BXCe 3 ck 8 BT Co. Va barns and other ll FARMS FARMS FARMS W. VA.
SPECIALS 385 Acres at $7B Per Acre all rrn house, barnte likes; $15,000, terns sr 2-. ur 1 FARM SPECIALIST SIGLER CO. Call Mr. Measell, OL. 4-8630 F-A-R-M-S MT AIRY ui 8 It rxn nlus tenant 18 HYATTBTOWN 4-bedrm I URBANA J' SOO: hou, necessary farm I proMHy nd on hyattstown 120 acres.
$46,000: beautiful crag. ulX. 3 0 MANOVILL REALTY CORP. LO. 4-8440 -REALTORS i STaSM Fauquier vaT in acreiT rm iB a es land in hith of cultivation.
Cinder block dairy barn errected In 1944 all ut Plenty of I A 3 1 poncl stocked mint AU included Good seU raw? perml iH Sl.d nd if mterhVth Jf od house with 1 4 Ptd i 4 por ches. hardwood floors. Long frontage on hard rOtd BY OWNER. hS? tr 1 Warren. ton, BTerling 8-5661.
i RAI RK HOME, bull' around 1 restoration required: 2'i Tnt reception hall. T. pt bath and fl fire: Cr, 5: cel Possibilities. Ar- oian? Calvert 22 ml. D.
terms CC ND oc 194 i le Umber, biras 2 0 'c Anne a hJr? 2-story home vitn 3 bedrms. and bath: mature rees houses; nfi maln road: mi D. $21,500: terms. arre ln? 7 lLLE Ramb lW 1- lot: liv. din.
den. 2 bat J' hot-water heat: nr. Wash XDr Bho Mr Office. MA. 7-2526 mins, and UN 7-8587 CC, atri; ho od bath.
milk' mln- 1 4 xB barn. Balto. to 10 a. alfalfa. 3Q a barley.
14 a bluegrass. Frederfrt hnn 1 ml north iSa rlck terms. h.r„ A rn 3 bsmt, parn misc lake, mi mi r- dU, wv Urbana: 3 a'2 V. cash fry hlHit 'L rm stonf hou.M. elee flre an kit house fi t' 32 -stall bam.
40: oiMt barn, 150 a. crop, 50 meadow. 25 a. woods, de 000: terms. $7.50 'o i.
mOd barns, lake site, nr wi wUtk terms Wilfred M. Watkins surg Phone ep e8 ntin CHARLES G4 65 seres of pas' flrvi ramble oth 't buildings: 2 ml. from Ijirfax: $25,000. $7 5. 2407 RAIRrAX REALTY, CR 3 Historic Southern Maryland 1.
100 acres, small creek bordering 0 i' mostly cleared, hMrm tt River. 4- -bath home. 3 barns. allotment. cres creek through property.
6-rm. basement home, rn shetl ehlcken S. rn fen ced for egt- upper Calvert County fntULJeT' Cbiumned Colonial mZP 1 home ln perfect condition. 10 rooms. tile baths, oil -Vi rms.
and equipment. tractors, bulldoaer. 5 barns. SK. or fevelopma-g, 88 owner will finanej rao tlT rlch cleared, homl; flelds fenced.
eleh 5 barns, reliabk tenants. 1 mile Iron 5. 90 acres, rich tobacco land. acre allotment. 2 barns, stabit implement shed.
good tenan house, on paved road. $13,000 Calvert Realty Agency Corp. Prince Frederick Md Phone 10l if no answer call 184 ar 3541 (Continued on Next Page).