Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (2025)

Riot Games has announced the complete patch notes for Wild Rift patch 3.2 that will introduce a new champion, improved Elemental Rift mode, champion balance updates, and more.

A few days ago, Riot Games gave us a preview for the upcoming Wild Rift patch 3.2 that will introduce a new champion Ekko, new features to the fan-favorite Elemental Rift mode, Remake system, and much more.

In addition to this, a brand new Wild Pass and champion skins will also be available for you to grab, and to make the gameplay experience fair for everyone, Riot will also bring balance and gameplay changes. You can get the complete details of everything below in the Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes.

Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes

Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (1)

New Champions - Ekko, The Boy Who Shattered Time

Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (2)

A prodigy from the rough streets of Zaun, Ekko manipulates time to twist any situation to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Z-Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there’s a threat to his friends, he’ll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.

Ekko will be released on May 12 at 00:01 UTC.

New Features

Elemental Rift

Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (3)

We’re letting the Elemental Dragons fly into a limited game mode once again. This time we’re testing anewversion that will look different from the other iterations you saw during our 3.1 patch cycle. The biggest change you’ll notice is that rather than obtaining Dragon Soul, each Elemental Dragons elemental effect will stack, which can put you head andsmoldersabove your opponents. Once you slay yoursecondDragon, each following Dragon kill will increase the power of the Dragon Buffs by1.5 - 2 times.We’ve also made a few other adjustments:

  • The terrain will change after thefirstDragon is slain.
  • Individual Elemental Dragons will still grant their elemental effect:
    • Infernal Dragon:4% Adaptive Attack Damage or Ability Power.
    • Ocean Dragon:3% Missing health every 5 seconds.
    • Mountain Dragon:Grants 6% Armor and magic resistance.
  • Instead of Dragon Soul, after your team slays its second Dragon, the elemental effects can stack. This will increase the power of each individual dragon buff by1.5 - 2 times. For example:
    • Infernal Dragon:4/6/8% Adaptive Attack Damage or Ability Power.
    • Ocean Dragon:3/4.5/6% Missing health every 5 seconds.
    • Mountain Dragon:6/9/12% Armor and magic resistance.
  • Elder Dragon will spawn at20 minuteswith a4 minuterespawn timer.

Before this version of Elemental Rift goes live, we'll have a /dev from one of the designers on May 16. They’ll be discussing all of your feedback from our previous tests and what you can expect to see from Elemental Rift during the rest of our Time & Tide update.

Elemental Rift will be available to play May 17 at 0:01 UTC

*Content availability varies by region

Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (4)

Guild vs Guild Season 3

It’s time to shuffle down to Shurima for Guild vs Guild S3! Grab your guildies and make sure you don’tblinkor you might just miss out on some of the new rivalries, scenery and rewards waiting for you to explore and earn! Along with a new season we’ve also made a few updates:

  • Your lobby banner will now upgrade as you progress on your GvG Reward Track!
  • Rewards will be given for every single armed member with no limit or ratio restrictions.
  • We’ve added in some new missions!
  • Starting this season, we’re getting rid of sabotaging.
  • We’ve disabled Champion Abilities.
  • Dialogue will now only trigger 3 times a week
    • Beginning of the week
    • Middle of the week
    • End of the week

Guild vs Guild S3 preliminaries will begin May 23 00:01 UTC

Leaver Mitigation

We know just how frustrating it can be to have someone swipe up and out of your game, leaving you and your teammates at a huge disadvantage. To help with this, we’re giving you the option toremakeyour games:


  • When a player is AFK at thestartof a game, you’ll have the opportunity to vote toremakethe match. If the vote is successful, the game will end with neither team receiving a win or a loss and all consumables will be refunded. It’ll be like it never even happened! However, the player who was AFK will receive a loss.
    • If you’re in a premade that involves players who are Masters and above, the premade members will also be given losses to prevent abuse.
  • To start, Remake will only be available in Normal PvP games to ensure its working as intended, then we’ll enable it in all game modes.

A teammate disconnecting midway through a game is equally frustrating and overall, just sucks. To help combat with this, we’ll also be rolling out leaver mitigations for losses:

Ranked AFK Loss Mitigation*:

  • Any players who leave in ranked will now be penalized more harshly on their climb:
    • Below Diamond: You’ll have more Ranked Fortitude deducted, based on how long you were AFK during the match.
    • Diamond and above: You’ll have more VP deducted, based on how long you were AFK during the match.
  • On the other hand, if therestof the team will receive more Ranked Fortitude or lose less VP:
    • Below Diamond: You’ll receive20% or 50% ofthe Ranked Fortitude needed to prevent a loss, based on how long your teammate was AFK for. This will also be added to any other Ranked Fortitude you would gain for the match.
    • Diamond and above: You’ll get back20%or 50%of the VP you lost, based on how long your teammate was AFK for.

*The values mentioned are subject to change as we monitor the impact these mitigations have.


We’re also making a few adjustments to Ranked Fortitude this patch to help improve your experience while climbing through the ranks:

  • Performing well in a ranked match but still losing can be a frustrating experience, so we’re adding in loss mitigations for when those games happen.
    • You’ll be given a small amount of extraRanked Fortitudewhen you perform excellently in a game that you still lost.
  • We’re also making some adjustments to your End of Game Settlements:
    • Sometimes you’ll have so much Fortitude that when you lose your game you can have a shield built, but we’ll deduct your mark first and the shield won’t apply until your next, which is a bummer.
      • We’ll now be calculating the Fortitude you gainfirstso that your shield will protect your loss immediately, rather than next game.

Wild Pass

Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (5)

Here to haunt your dreams and take-over this Wild Pass is Dream Raider Nasus. Earn this daunting new skin and other rewards as you progress your way through this pass.

  • How to check player stats in Wild Rift
  • Wild Rift Error 10018: How to fix "failed to login" issue
  • Wild Rift Brand build guide: Best runes, items, tips and more

New Wild Pass will be available starting May 12 at 00:01 UTC.


Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (6)

Releasing May 12 @ 00:01 UTC:

  • Sandstorm Ekko

Releasing May 19 @ 00:01 UTC:

  • High Noon Ashe
  • High Noon Irelia
  • High Noon Thresh


Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (7)

You can earn or purchase accessories from a bunch of different sources. Please check the relevant page in game for more information on how to get ‘em!

  • Baubles: Hats Off to You; Five Minutes to Midnight; Are you a backpack?; Even the Odds; Be Kind, Rewind; The Shadow of Time; Sundered; The Sands of Time; Cursed Tears
  • Icons: Righteous Wrath; Razor-edged; Mecha Veigar; Time Prodigy; Porodeo Roundup
  • Emotes:Catch Ya Later; Spinning Slash; It Was Nothing; Come Hither; Let’s Dance; Rodeo Time; Oooof; No Way
  • Icon Borders:Power Overwhelms; Shuriman Port
  • Rift Emblems:Crackling Energy; LOST DOG; Shuriman Standard (Lapis Lazuli); Shuriman Standard (Verdalite); Shuriman Standard (Carnelian)
  • Recalls:Of Embers and Dust; Snack Time; Party Time!
  • Player Emblems:Shuriman Ensign I; Shuriman Ensign II; Shuriman Ensign III; Shuriman Ensign IV; Shuriman Ensign V
  • Profile Borders:Power Surge
Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (8)
Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (9)

All accessories will be released throughout the patch.


Ekko's Arrival

Explore the streets of Zaun and tinker with time-altering gizmos and gadgets!

The Ekko’s Arrival event begins May 12 at 00:01 UTC

High Noon

With angels, demons, devils, and cowboys running around, you best watch your back ‘round these parts, partner.

The High Noon event begins May 19 at 00:01 UTC

Champion Changes


Base Stats

  • Energy regeneration (per 5s):75 →50

(1) Five Point Strike

  • Base damage: 25/60/95/130 →30/65/100/135
  • Cost energy: 130/110/90/70 →120/100/80/60

(4) Perfect Execution

  • First cast damage: 85/150/215 →80/200/320
  • Minimum second cast damage: 85/150/215 + 40% AP→70/140/210 + 30%AP


Base Stats

  • Health per level: 115 →10


Base Stats

  • Mana regen: 9 →12
  • Mana regen per level: 0.7 →1.1
  • Attack Speed per level: 1.2% →2.2%
    • Attack Speed at level 15: .91 attacks per second →1 attack per second

(3) Power Fist

  • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7s →8/7/6/5s


(2) Shield of Durand

  • [UNCHANGED] Taunt duration is still0.5s~1.5s
  • Charge duration needed for the effective range and taunt duration to reach maximum: 0.75s →1.25s
  • Effect range: 2~3.75 →1.75~3.75
  • Damage: 40/70/100/130 + 45% AP →40/80/120/160 + 55% AP


(1) Inner Flame

  • Base damage: 60/110/160/210 →60/100/140/180

(4) Transcendent Embrace

  • Slow: 50% →35%


(1) Dark Binding

  • Base damage: 80/150/220/290 →80/160/240/320

(2) Tormented Shadow

  • Base damage: 6/12/18/24 →5/10/15/20
  • Damage to monsters: 200% →225%
  • Mana cost: 70/85/100/115 →70/90/110/130


Base Stats

  • Base Attack Damage: 64 →58


(1) High Note

  • Damage: 55/70/85/100 + 50% AP →60/75/90/105 + 40% AP

(3) Beat Drop

  • Damage: 60/90/120/150 + 50% AP →60/90/120/150 + 40% AP


Base Stats

  • Energy regen: 25 →50

(P) Ki Barrier

  • Energy gained from damaging champions: 15/17.5/20 →10/12.5/15

(1) Twilight Assault

  • Energy cost: 65/60/55/50 →75/70/65/60


Base Stats

  • Base armor: 40 →35

(2) Aria of Perseverance

  • Heal:30/55/80/105 →30/45/60/75
  • Shield: 25/55/85/115 →25/65/105/145

(3) Song of Celerity

  • Cooldown: 12s →14s


(P) Salvation

  • Movement speed: 70% →100%

(1) Starcall

  • Rejuvenation: 2s →2.5s
  • Cooldown: 7.5/6.5/5.5/4.5s→7/6/5/4s
  • Total Rejuvenation healing: 50/70/90/110 + 35% AP →60/90/120/150 + 45% AP

(2) Astral Infusion

  • Rejuvenation: 2s →2.5s

Gameplay Changes


Executioner's Calling


  • Attack Damage: 20 →15


  • Gold: 1000g →800g

Infinity Orb


  • Ability Power: 60 →65

Ixtali Seedjar


  • [NEW]Health:425
  • [NEW]Ability Haste:25
  • [UNCHANGED]Movement speed:+5%
  • [REMOVED]45 Armor + 45 Magic resistance

Build Path

  • [NEW]Winged Moonplate (900g) + Kindlegem (1000g) + Combine Cost (500g)
    • Total cost: 2500 →2400g


  • [UNCHANGED] UNIQUE - PROPAGATION:When you or an ally hit a nearby plant, it drops a seed that only you can see. You can pick up and replant that seed at any location on the map.
  • [NEW]:Picking up a seed grants+40% movement speed decaying over 2.5s

Last Whisper


  • Combine cost: 800g →600g
    • Total cost: 1300g →1100g

Oblivion Orb


  • Ability Power: 40 →30


  • Gold: 1000g →800g

Ryla's Crystal Scepter


  • Slows: 20%→30%

Solari Chargeblade


  • Radiance on-hit effect damage: 33~75 →38~80
    • [UNCHANGED]This damage can critically strike

Void Staff


  • 40% Magic penetration →45% Magic penetration


  • Gold: 2800g →2900g

New Runes

[New] Domination: Giant Slayer

Giant Slayer is a new minor rune that shines when you’re facing off against high health targets. When a wild Dr. Mundo appears, consider picking up Giant Slayer to show him a thing or two.

  • Deal bonus damage based on the enemy champion’s bonus health, up to10% bonus damagewhen the enemy champion has1000 bonus health.

[New] Domination: Scorch

Scorch is an early game option for caster champions that want to press their advantage in the laning phase. When you’re looking to dominate your lane with spells and burn your foes, Scorch is the rune for you.

  • Dealing ability damage to a champion deals an additional21-35 magic damage after 1 second. (10 second cooldown)

[New] Inspiration: Demolish

Demolish is our latest addition in the tower-taking and split-pushing category. It gives fighters and tanks more ways to play out their games and helps them mow down any structures in their team's way. When you really need to get through to the enemy base, Demolish the rune of choice.

  • When within550range of a turret, change an attack over3seconds. Attacking the turret discharges the attack dealing200 (+ 25% maximum health) bonus Adaptive Damage.(30 second cooldown)

[New] Inspiration: Nimbus Cloak

Nimbus Cloak gives extra mobility in those critical moments after burning large Summoner Spell cooldowns. When you need some extra zoom to chase down an enemy or get some extra speed to return to the safety of your team after flashing away from danger, Nimbus Cloak is there to grant you that extra movement.

  • Casting a Summoner Spell grants5% - 25% (based on Summoner Spell cooldown) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.

[New] Keystone: Lethal Tempo

Conqueror has beenconqueringthe other runes for a while now, so we’re happy to introduce a new keystone for attack-based champions that can compete.We wanted to bring Lethal Tempo into Wild Rift because of how broadly appealing it is, and how it can open up new build paths that focus on other stats besides Attack Speed.

  • When attacking enemy champions, gain a stack of Attack Speed. For melee champions, these grant6-12% (based on level)Attack Speed per stack. For ranged champions, these grant3-9% (based on level)Attack Speed per stack.
    • 6 stack maximum. When maximum stacks, gain additional30% bonus Attack Speed
  • Additional bonus Attack Speed buff lasts6seconds, buff is refreshable

[New] Keystone: Kraken Slayer

Kraken Slayer is another new keystone we’re bringing in for auto-attackers that both has interesting situational applications due to its true damage and powerful ratios, and also can be suitable for champions that already have Attack Speed steroids, attack resets, or on-attack effects that may not want to use Lethal Tempo.

  • Every third attack on a champion deals[28-70 (based on level) + 30% bonus AD + 20% AP]bonus true damage.
    • Kraken Slayer doesnothave a cooldown
    • On-hit effects donotadd a stack, but can trigger the full-stack damage
    • Stacks lasts for3seconds

[New] Resolve: Ultimate Shield

Ultimate Shield is a new option for champions looking to go in with their ultimate cooldowns like Kennen or Morgana. When you need some extra durability in that critical moment, Ultimate Shield is a strong choice.

  • After casting your ultimate, gain a shield for90-300 (75 + 15 × level) for 3 seconds.(45 second cooldown)

[New] Resolve: Nullifying Orb

We wanted to give carry champions a scaling option in the Resolve tree, so we’re adding Nullifying Orb! When you want to build aggressively but need some extra defenses in dangerous scenarios, try out Nullifying Orb.

  • If you take damage from a champion that causes your health to fall below35%, gain a shield that absorbs80 + 50% bonus AD + 30% AP for 4 seconds. (60 second cooldown)
Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (10)

Rune Changes

Inspiration: Grasp of Undying

We fixed the tooltip and for Grasp of Undying, it will now correctly state that its combat trigger delay is3 secondsinstead of 4 seconds.

Inspiration: Mastermind

Mastermind has been a neutral rune that was a good option for when you wanted to focus on taking both turrets or neutrals objectives, but with the introduction of Demolish we’re splitting these up and Mastermind will now be focused on just neutral objectives.

  • Bonus damage to epic monsters and turrets →Bonus damage to epic monsters
  • Gold gained: 40g →100g
  • Gold gained on taking or assisting in epic monster or turret kills →Gold gained on taking or assisting in epic monster kills

Keystone: Fleet Footwork

Fleet Footwork has mostly been the go to choice in players loadouts when they are looking to have some extra lane sustain. We’re looking to broaden that by reducing some of the lane sustain it provides and introducing a new mana or energy payout for attacking champions.

  • Minion healing: 100% melee / 30% ranged →60% melee / 20% ranged
  • [NEW ]Restore 8% missing mana or energy when triggered against a champion


Red Brambleback and Blue Sentinel

Crest of Cinders

  • [New Effect] Deals 50% against non-champion units

Red Brambleback

  • 30 Magic resistance →0 Magic resistance
  • Health increased by20%
    • Base health: 2400 →2800
    • Health per level: 100 →120

Evolved Crest of Cinders

  • [New Effect] Deals 50% against non-champion units

Evolved Red Brambleback

  • 30 Magic resistance →0 Magic resistance
  • Health increased by20%
    • Base health: 2800 →3400
    • Health per level: 125 →150

Crest of Insight (Blue Buff)

  • Restores (10 + 1% max mana) mana, (1% max energy) energy per second →Restores (10 + 1% max mana) mana, (5 + 1% max energy) energy per second
  • [REMOVED]When out of combat for 5 seconds, restores 5% of missing health per second
  • [NEW]Grants 15 Ability Haste

Blue Sentinel

  • 30 Armor → 0 Armor
  • Health increased by20%
    • Base health: 2400 →2800
    • Health per level: 100 →120

Stronger Crest of Insight (Evolved Blue Buff)

  • Gain 20 Ability Haste →15 Ability Haste
  • Restores (15 + 1.4% of max mana) mana, (1.5% max energy) energy per second →Restores (15 + 1.4% of max mana) mana, (5 + 1.5% max energy) energy per second
  • [NEW]Gain 15 Ultimate Ability Haste
  • [REMOVED]Increases out of combat heath restore to 7% of missing health

Evolved Blue Sentinel

  • 30 Magic resistance →0 Magic resistance
  • Health increased by20%
    • Base health: 2800 →3400
    • Health per level: 125 →150

Rift Herald and Dragon


  • First spawn: 4 minutes →5 minutes

Rift Herald

  • First spawn: 4 minutes →5 minutes
  • Local gold granted when slain: 250g →125g


  • Damage to monsters: 10% →15%


Control Ward

We are releasing Control Wards as a third trinket option to let players have more options versus camouflage champions like Evelynn or Teemo. Control Wards also offer area vision denial plus potential long term vision, but there can only beoneControl Ward on the map per player and they are harder to defend due to them not being stealthed.

  • Places a visible ward that grants vision of its surroundings and reveals stealthed units and wards.
    • 3 health
    • Lasts until destroyed or replaced
    • Not stealthed
    • Can only have 1 on the map per player


We are changing the tenacity formula to be multiplicative instead of additive to reduce the effectiveness of stacking tenacity.

  • Tenacity is now multiplicative instead of additive. For example, if a champion has two sources of 30% tenacity, the crowd control duration will now be 49% instead of 40%.

Extra Bits

  • With the addition of the new Keystones and minor runes, we’ve made adjustments to recommended loadouts for several champions.
  • Added push notifications for players who receive a gift in their in-game mail inbox.
  • Added push notifications when a gift you’ve sent has been opened.
  • Added push notifications for when a close friend request is accepted.
  • You’ll now be able to find Death's Dance, Guardian Angel, and Sterak’s Gage in both the Attack and Defense sections of your shop.

Free To Play Champion Rotation

  • May 12 - May 18: Alistar, Brand, Draven, Jax, Kha’zix, Leona, Lucian, Nunu & Willimp, Tryndamere, Veigar
  • May 19 - May 25: Akshan, Corki, Diana, Dr. Mundo, Fiora, Kai’sa, Karma, Lee Sin, Rammus, Yuumi

For more on the game, please make sure to check our section dedicated toWild Rift guides, news, tips,and more.

Featured image courtesy of Riot Games.

Wild Rift 3.2 patch notes - Ekko's debut, new Wild Pass, and more (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.