Heartstopper: Volume Two (Heartstopper, #2) (2024)

Alice Oseman

Author69 books86.8k followers

November 20, 2019

Heartstopper Volume Two has made it to the FINAL of the Goodreads Choice Awards!! Thank you so much for your votes, and even if it doesn't win, I'm so grateful for your support.
Click here to vote for it again (you can vote again even if you've voted in previous rounds!): https://www.goodreads.com/choiceaward...

Volume 2!!
-Nick's got some big feelings to figure out
-Secret cinema hand-holding
-A nasty boy makes a return
-Solid amount of dog content
-A 10-page mini-comic about Tara's first kiss with her girlfriend

Read the comic online:


262 reviews111k followers

April 20, 2022

my heart 🥹💖💖💖 i love them so much


250 reviews29.1k followers

July 24, 2019

literal perfection

    2019-reads 5-stars cover-love


2,169 reviews70k followers

April 28, 2024

i save these books for when i'm ready to overdose on cuteness, and this worked perfectly.

this was cute and nice! nothing happened (and in fact the same conversation happened like 90 times in place of a plot) but that was kind of the charm of it.

graphic novels tend to be Meh for me but i always enjoy these!

bottom line: slump savers in more ways than one.

    3-and-a-half-stars graphic-novel lgbt-plus


472 reviews126k followers

June 13, 2022

Liked this better than Vol. 1 since we get to see Nick's self-discovery, but these comics are still not my thing, so I'll be sticking to the Netflix adaptation. If anything, this has made me really appreciate the adaptation for expanding upon the side characters' stories and integrating them into the main storyline. The scene where Nick sees Tara and Darcy at the party was added as a new thing and ended up being the best scene in the whole show <3

Chelsea (chelseadolling reads)

1,505 reviews20.2k followers

August 20, 2019

Nick + Charlie 4ever

Claudia Lomelí

Author8 books81.5k followers

June 12, 2019


Jajaja, yo pensé que todavía no terminaba de leer este volumen porque Alice Oseman seguía posteando capítulos en Patreon, Y LUEGO ME PUSE A INVESTIGAR, y resulta que ya terminé de leer este volumen desde hace MÁS DE UN MES. Oops. Cuando salga en físico lo voy a comprar <3.

5 estrellas para mis soft boys hermosos. OTP. Los más preciosos. A los que les deseo todo lo bonito que hay en el mundo.

    2019 5-star cover-love


117 reviews53.5k followers

May 7, 2022


    manga-graphic-novels romance

Josu Diamond

Author9 books33.5k followers

July 10, 2020

AYYYYYY, mi corazón.

Por fin he podido disfrutar de la continuación de Heartstopper, donde Nick y Charlie nos llevarán de la mano por un camino aparentemente difícil que tiene sus pros y sus contras: el inicio de una relación.

Me gusta el tono de Alice Oseman, me gusta cómo le brinda a todo una carga emocional que incluso llega a ser difícil de gestionar, me gusta cómo con dos frases puede sacarme una lágrima. Me gusta muchísimo su dibujo, sus personajes, el manejo del ritmo y su delicadeza al narrar. Creo que es una de las ilustradores/artistas que más me gustan ahora mismo. Es increíble lo que transmite.

Heartstopper: Volume Two (Heartstopper, #2) (10)

En Mi persona favorita (no confundir con la canción de Alejandro Sanz con Camella Cobalto) encontramos una bonita historia, como lo fue en el primer libro, y como toda historia bonita en la literatura no puede ser solo bonita. Para alcanzar los objetivos de los personajes hay que poner impedimentos, y en este caso, el arco del libro se centra un poco más en el personaje de Nick. Me ha gustado ver que lo que se narra en esta segunda entrega, que es un proceso de autodescubrimiento de la sexualidad y de la salida del armario, no se haya mostrado como en otros casos.

Parte de la deconstrucción es romper con un entorno desfavorecedor o tóxico en caso de tener que hacerlo por tu estabilidad o salud mental, y me ha gustado ver cómo se trataban estos temas. Del mismo modo, me ha gustado la inclusión de secundarios pertenecientes al colectivo (hay una pareja de lesbianas y una chica trans), ya que no solo la autora trata a estos personajes como unos personajes más, sino porque los propios protagonistas dan un buen ejemplo de cómo gestionar ciertos comportamientos.

Otra cosa que me ha gustado es ver pullitas de la autora, como por ejemplo se lo hace a la pansexualidad. He tenido que chillar, correr a por un sticker de los que uso yo, y marcarlo para recordarlo siempre. A TRUE QUEEN!

Heartstopper: Volume Two (Heartstopper, #2) (11)

Como con el primer volumen, hacia el final la historia se ha ido volviendo más calentita, más cercana a mi corazón, y he estado al borde de las lágrimas en tres ocasiones. Ay, por dios. Mis niños Nick y Charlie se merecen todo lo bueno. ¡Y se abre algo súper interesante para la tercera parte!

Espero que la editorial lo publique rápido porque no me puedo esperar más.

En definitiva: Heartstopper es una saga tierna, enternecedora, pero que en esta segunda entrega me ha convencido un poco más. Se tratan muchos más temas de los que parece a simple vista y lo hace de una muy buena manera. Dadle una oportunidad, se leen enseguida y seguro que os encantan.


daph pink ♡

1,115 reviews2,968 followers

May 28, 2022

Of all this time where the f*ck have I been! It was the time I decided to face the world and then I read this book and now I want to curl up in my blanket again.

I want to hug Charlie so hard whenever he cries!
I am like shouting on top of my lungs Nick your baby boy is crying hug him please!

I can’t agree less with Tara, why are straight people like this? I am going to show a stick in your ass Harry! Stay away from my babies. Tara and Darcy are such a bae!

And nick’s mum, Charlie’s parents, his sister and brother took my heart away. Why can’t my family be like this?

And bitch please that PE teacher is a goal. I mean I want to squeeze her so hard.

Omg Charlie NASA gay wallpaper. This man is a goal.
My smol bean and large bean are so freaking adorable. ❤️❤️

    graphic-books-comics queer

Bel Rodrigues

Author3 books21.2k followers

April 23, 2022


    favoritos lgbtqiap lidos-2022

Bryce Rocks My Socks

481 reviews830 followers

December 6, 2023

asjhdjkahfjah well that was just so f*cking adorable

    contemporary fav graphic-novel

Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora)

1,009 reviews42.2k followers

June 26, 2021

Hace mucho tiempo no leía una novela gráfica, o en un libro en general, que me dejara sintiéndome tan feliz, llena de amor y creyendo en que las cosas pueden salir bien. Creo que Heartstopper es una de esas historias que no necesitan de dramas enrevesados, sino que sencillamente son tan bonitas y tan puras que se convierten exactamente en aquello que necesitas para tus momentos difíciles o para sentirte bien contigo mismo.

Este segundo tomo se centra muchísimo en Nick y en como él está intentando entender quién es. Sobre todo está batallando para entender su identidad, aceptarla y moverse en un nuevo mundo que él nunca pensó posible. Un mundo que ahora comparte con Charlie y que, lastimosamente, sus viejos amigos quizá no entiendan mucho. Y sí, Nick está confundidísimo, pero la manera en la que Alice Osman retrata todos estos momentos de duda e inseguridad de Nick es tan genuina, que seguramente les van a servir a muchísimas personas para identificarse con él y para entender que está bien hacer las cosas a tu ritmo, está bien dudar y, sobre todo, está increíble encontrar a una pareja que entienda todo lo que estás sintiendo y por todo lo que estás pasando.

Amé muchísimo esta parte de la historia de Nick y Charlie porque son hermosos, de verdad. Ojalá todas las relaciones del mundo fueron así de bonitas, pero, bueno, para eso tenemos los libros.

Dicho esto, y sin más preámbulos, voy a empezar a leer ya mismo el tomo tres porque necesito seguir muriéndome de amor.

Jesse (JesseTheReader)

559 reviews175k followers

December 30, 2022

I didn't love it as much as volume 1, but still so charming!

Kai Spellmeier

Author7 books14.7k followers

Want to read

January 31, 2019

if your heart isn't bursting with love at the sight of this cover I don't wanna know you

    owned queer

April (Aprilius Maximus)

1,134 reviews6,473 followers

December 4, 2023

1.) Heartstopper Volume 1 ★★★★★
2.) Heartstopper Volume 2 ★★★★★
3.) Heartstopper Volume 3 ★★★★★
4.) Heartstopper Volume 4 ★★★★★




Kevin (Irish Reader)

275 reviews4,062 followers

April 23, 2022

April 23rd 2022: Reread in preparation of watching the adaptation! Still 5 stars, still so amazing and heartwarming!

This was a Reread and I loved it just as much the second time. If you haven’t picked up this graphic novel series, I would highly recommend that you do!

Charlotte May

772 reviews1,234 followers

February 15, 2020

Felt a bit down, read this in a hour and a half and now my heart feels full 💖

Well if these two aren't the most adorable human beings ever?!

I am loving the Heartstopper series!

Volume Two focuses on Nick and Charlie finding their feet as their feelings for each other develop and they spend more time together.
Nick is discovering who he is and how he wishes to identify, as they both tackle the dramas of a teenage relationship.
The only part I can't get behind which is really minor is - Charlie is named as a Slytherin but to me he is the gooiest human ever and definitely a hufflepuff! But that's just my opinion :)

Overall, sweet as sugar as always and I have already ordered Volume 3.

    contemporary-recent graphic-novel-comic romance

Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill)

1,358 reviews3,331 followers

December 31, 2023

This volume focuses more on Nick and his coming-out journey. We will be surprised by the subtle way the author divulges into deeper and serious topics as the series progresses. Here the author tries to discuss more about being a bisexual individual and how modern society views a bisexual individual. She also tries to discuss the mental dilemmas of an individual while revealing his sexual orientation to others via the character of Nick. She tells us how others should react to this information and how we should support them.

My favorite three lines from this book.

“Charlie - Jesus, how do you just appear out of nowhere?
Tori - Older sister magic.”

“You just saw the perfect opportunity to make someone feel bad as usual.”

“I m so angry at myself for not seeing how horrible all my friends are until now.”

Bullying is also mentioned in detail through Charlie's and Nick's characters. The author also tells us how to tackle a bully effectively. This second volume is equally good as the first volume and has no problems generally associated with the sequels.

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1,493 reviews28.2k followers

December 15, 2020

This was so good, I loved it just as much as the first in the series 😭 here’s the reading vlog where I read this book: https://youtu.be/TCI_Zl2YDxA

    5-star-books contemporary fav-series

Karla Martínez

Author1 book16.8k followers

April 27, 2022

es que no puedo con lo lindo que es estooo


    lgbtq mis-bebes romance

Reading_ Tamishly

4,981 reviews3,096 followers

May 26, 2024

*Nellie borked and Nick tilted his head and I am doomed forever. Charlie, how did you survive?


Nick: You are such a Slytherin!
Char: And you're 100% Gryffindor

(And this Hufflepuff is 100% suffering all this extreme cuteness.)

Everything is better with volume 2!!!!
I cannot handle this cuteness. Somebody save me please!

New character introduction: Oliver Spring and he's cute as rasogullas!

Nick having identity crisis and Charlie being Charlie. I cannot do anything but love them both being in love. Young love is this honest : confusing but sparkling honest. I sound so old now.

There was not much in volume 1. To be honest, I found it a bit dull and disappointing with all the hype. (I changed my mind because I just reread the first volume, the latest edition available in May 2021).

But the real hype should be for this one.

I love Nicky so much!!! He is like so soulpeircingly cute😍

Alice, thanks for making this series available at Webtoons and updating it regularly 😭

I am so grateful.
It always feels like Thanksgiving when I read this series 💞

"Why can't we just kiss and be happy?"

Yes, you. Life is simple but we tend to make it difficult by overthinking. You two please stop overthinking. But then we are all teenagers here.


446 reviews40.1k followers

June 29, 2020

Niby urocze i słodziutkie No ale takie nic

    contemporary graphic-novel new-adult

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥

586 reviews35.1k followers

March 12, 2021

”Sorry for not texting you, I just – I just wanted to talk in person.”

I need to tell you how much I love those two! Like seriously, I adore Nick and Charlie! Their communication is amazing and I love how they address issues and problems. They tackle them head-on and always seek a dialogue with each other. And they are honest! So honest that it actually hurts to read about it.

”I mean, I’m not ashamed, I’m just... it was just... I j-just need some time to figure this out.”

The scene when Nick told Charlie about his confusion is so masterfully done! Also that Charlie cried because Nick did is relatable af! *lol* I’m like that too. Whenever someone I love and care about is hurt I can’t help but cry for that person, because I wish I could take away their pain. T_T It tears me apart not to be able to help and Alice Oseman captured that feeling so well. <333 Plus, the friendships in “Heartstopper” are everything!

”I was the only one on your side back then, and ... I’m so scared that’ll happen to you again.”

”Nick ... don’t feel like you need to come out to anyone until you feel ready.”

No matter if it’s Tao who’s worried about Charlie’s feelings or Tara who’s watching out for Nick’s well-being, they all care about their friends and they just want them to be happy. XD Nick’s mom though! <333 I love her for thanking him for telling her about Charlie!! She reacted exactly how a parent should react and the pure love for her son was so palpable in that scene. And last but not least: I appreciate Charlie’s hidden Slytherin side that got a moment to shine! *LOL*
Nick calling out Harry on his bad behaviour is definitely one of my favourite scenes in this. Like seriously, someone had to give him a piece of their mind! (Guess that’s the Slytherin in me speaking as well. *secretly high-fives Charlie*) ;-P

This said: I loved Volume Two and I can’t wait to borrow Vol.3 from my library! =)
There were already a lot of cute Charlie & Nick moments in here but I know it will get even more adorable so I’m already bracing myself. *lol*

All I can say is: Awwww!!!
I totally forgot how adorable they were at the beginning! <333
Just too cute! I can't even! XD

Full RTC soon!

So after that ending of volume one I finally managed to grab volume two! XD
I really need the angst to go away and the fluffiness to come. *lol*
And I definitely need more of my two boys and their amazing circle of friends! <333

Work's been damn busy this week (it's only Wednesday T_T) and Alice Oseman's books are my escape. ;-)
I need a healthy dose of serotonin! XD

Find me on: WordPress / BookTube

Gavin Hetherington

681 reviews7,294 followers

April 10, 2022

The cutest darn thing with some important moments that I think will help young people figure out their identities and make them feel seen. So much love!

Recently I re-read all four volumes of Heartstopper that have been released so far to celebrate the release of the Netflix TV show. Filled with spoilers and squealing at my favourite couple in my favourite graphic novel series ever: https://youtu.be/5uAcHjS54NE

    2019-reads 2022-reads lgbtq

paige (ptsungirl)

736 reviews1,008 followers

January 1, 2024

"I'm sorry I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me that."

This is me realizing season 1 of Heartstopper covers Volume One & Two. I'm so lucky I bought this and it came in the mail this afternoon.

First things first!! The actor for Charlie, Joe Locke, I have to say that I'm probably going to love everything you ever do. I'm so glad you're Charlie. I love seeing you bring a character that already feels so real because of Alice Oseman to life. It feels so special that he's sort of your first adventure in your career. So very special.

I really liked the first story, but this one felt completely different. In a raw and beautiful way. The time and space Charlie allows Nick to figure himself out. No pressuring, allowing each choice to be his alone, it's so beautiful. I loved Charlie so much in the first volume, and even more in this one. I loved when he reassured Nick that he knew this situation was nothing like the one with Ben. That he never felt they were similar in any way. I love that he was so proud of Nick for telling even one person about them. I love that this was Nick's path to walk, and while Charlie was beside him the whole time, it was always for Nick to walk first.

That's so special.

What got me the most was the quote above. Since it's the end, and I'm not that person, I'm just going to say that I hope you read this. And I hope you see how special it is too. That's what pushed this from four to five stars for me. I'm so emotionally involved, I can't wait to pick up the next one.

    2022 2022-5-stars comfort-reads

Larry H

2,703 reviews29.6k followers

January 12, 2020

Good lord, these books are so sweet and so wonderful, I swear my heart grew a few sizes reading this today!

The second volume of Alice Oseman's gorgeous, life-affirming, squee-inducing graphic novel, Heartstopper picks up where the last one left off. Charlie and Nick's friendship has been growing closer and closer, and Charlie definitely has a huge crush on Nick, despite the fact that Nick is straight. Or is he?

Nick can't get Charlie out of his mind. He just wants to be with him, and he's happiest when they're together. Why can't he stop thinking about him?

Charlie's friends are afraid that he's making a mistake falling for a straight guy. Even if Nick is nice to him now, his friends are hom*ophobic bullies, and at some point they figure Nick will turn on Charlie. They don't want to see that happen. Charlie thinks Nick is different. At least he hopes he is.

Nick needs to figure out what he wants, and what that means about his identity and his sexuality. Is he gay? Bisexual? Straight? Does he need to make a decision? The one thing he knows is that he wants Charlie.

I remember having crushes like this, but when I grew up (in the dark ages) there weren't options to date or even admit you had feelings for someone of the same sex. But I can only imagine that jumble of emotions Charlie and Nick feel. I also remember the internal pressure of trying to define your sexuality, while at the same time trying to convince yourself that your sexuality is only one component of who you are, and it doesn't change everything.

Heartstopper Volume 2 is just so beautiful, warm, and full of emotions. I can't recommend these graphic novels enough, and you can bet I'll pre-order Volume 3 as soon as I can! (It's due out in early February.) Thanks, Alice Oseman, for creating an amazing and utterly necessary story that I can't stop thinking about!!

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

You can follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus)

280 reviews353 followers

March 1, 2022

I ended up loving this volume even more than the first one! Who knew I would end up loving a graphic novel series so much!

Heartstopper volume 2 continues the story of Nick and Charlie. Nick battles with his identity and the idea of coming out as bisexual, especially to his loved ones.

This graphic novel series seems to perfectly balance being incredibly charming whilst focusing on some really important topics. My heart just fills with so much joy as I see Nick and Charlie’s story play out. I loved that this volume also gave a peek into the relationship between Tara and Darcy. I still adore Nellie the dog so I was really excited to see her appear again! I love the artwork, it has a simplicity but manages to perfectly convey events/expressions.

I actually had tears in my eyes towards the end of this book. I was able to really personally connect to Nick’s situation, and it moved me so much. I think this series of graphic novels could be an extremely important tool for young people and adults alike to confront their identities or stereotypes. What Alice Oseman has created in these novels is something truly beautiful. I can’t wait to see what happens to Nick and Charlie next!

I recommend this to anyone who loves graphic novels or anyone who wants to explore/learn more about LGBT+ identities.



338 reviews1,948 followers

April 26, 2022

Nick Nelson supremacy

    ahhhh-so-good books-i-always-recommend pride-books
Heartstopper: Volume Two (Heartstopper, #2) (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.